Chapter ten: my life is hell

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Chapter Ten: My life is hell.

Another school day today, just my luck, I have to put up with Amy and her group of bitches once again. I have a lump on the side of my head from where Amy hit me and a bruised chest from where Stacey had thrown me against the wall. I have a doctors appointment at twelve thirty today so maybe if I avoid them before then i'll be fine. Maybe.

"Anna!! What the hell happened to your head? Are you..." I looked to see what Daniel was looking at and there was Amy, looking really pretty in her uniform. He smiled too sweetly at her and I felt sick watching his face light up like that. "Hey Daniel, what are you doing with loser? We were supposed to study at recess, remember?" she even pouted at him the she devil. Wait, why am I getting jealous over her? I'm probably moving schools anyway, well... I hope.

As I watched Daniel greet the biggest bitch in school, a lump rose up in my throat and I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. Why did he smile at her of all people like that? Why is he talking to her and touching her arm like that? Oh no. No I can't have a crush on Daniel, I just can't! As that single tear dropped from the corner of my eye I turned around and kept walking, leaving Daniel and the she devil to be by themselves. I walked up into the school office and explained that my mother was picking me up for a doctors appointment and showed the office lady the note my mother had written up.

By the time my mum picked me up and I was sitting in the car, Daniel had realized I was gone. I got a text message saying "Anna, where'd u go? Missed u @ lunch" I never really understood why people used the text lingo. I decided i'd give him a quick reply before seeing the doctor "c u at school 2morrow" just to make him feel less stupid for not spelling right. I sucked in a harsh breath so that the tears welling in my eyes wouldn't dare fall, I felt like I was cheating on Rhys in a way, it was wrong of me to start developing feelings for someone else. His best friend of all people, I felt like such a horrible person in that moment, and I knew that it was because this crush was starting to turn into something more.

"Anna, what's wrong sweety?" I turned my head to look at my mother who was facing me, for a split second I looked out of the car window and that's when I noticed another car was already seconds away from slamming us head on. Time felt so slow in those few seconds as I watched my mothers head jerk forward and then back into her head rest, the windows were breaking in slow motion leaving the glass to shatter in our faces and then I felt my seat belt snap and I was being thrown through the windshield. I felt my whole life flash in front of my eyes before I faded into blackness, my head still sore and all the noises around were deafening to my ears.

When I awoke from the dream I had I looked around me and my mum was sitting next to me, brushing her fingers over my knuckles. She had a few stitches on her head but her wounds were cleaned up, she wore a bandage around her wrist where i'm assuming it was sprained. As i'm looking around the room the thought occurred to me, how can so many bad things happen in such a little amount of time? Does the universe not see how much easier it would be if the bad things waited for a more reasonable time? The universe hated me. Very much.

I texted Daniel when I got home and told him about the car accident, it was 3pm so school was already over by now. He texted me back saying he was on his way "Anna, jesus. On my way, b there soon" in a weird kind of way, it was cute how he shortened his messages by the tiniest bit. I could feel the fatuation with him radiating out from my skin and into the air. A knock sounded at the door so I ran downstairs and caught my breath before I opened the door, and there stood Daniel with a worried look on his face, rushing over to me and giving me a tight squeeze. I looked up into his eyes and before I could control what I was doing, I kissed him intensely and after a short time he released me and I was gazing into his eyes passionately.

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