Chapter eight: Being bullied

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Chapter eight: Being Bullied

The next day was a dreaded monday, the weekend went so fast. I sat at home with my mum and spent quality time with her; but now is the time I get to wear my hideous school uniform, the skirts really were too short for my liking.

The principle at school decided to go easy on me for one day, he said as long as I wear my school shirt and tie I could wear my hoodie, jeans and thick leather boots that I had already showed up in. My principle Mr Whicker is a short, fat, bald man with stubby fingers. The little to none hair he had left was white and his eyes were a mix of grey and blue.

There I was walking down the hallway with my bag hanging half way off my shoulder, going to roll call, and then someone from behind pushes me to the ground. I turn over to face this Blonde girl standing over the top of me, she lifts out her hand to pull me up so I think nothing of it. But as soon as I get half way off the ground she lets go of my hand to let me fall hard on my back.

"Annabelle. What you did to Rhys was low. I saw what you said at his funeral you fake little slut, you'll pay. Murderer!" I could feel tears rushing to my eyes as her back was turned from me. Never in my life have I felt so pathetic, I have a feeling that today is only going to get worse. Curse my life.

Finally, lunch. I just have to find somewhere to sit now, but where? Daniel. Oh god he's looking at me, not today, I seriously can't be bothered right now. Oh great, he's walking over. Ugh. "Anna, you okay?" huh? I thought he was going to be mad at me, apparently not. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" I said trying to act un-phased.

"I heard Amy and a couple of girls in my year talking about you, something about making you pay? I dunno, I just thought i'd check with you." Oh no. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! How do I tell him? Do I tell him? No. "Oh. It's nothing, just a joke I guess" I smiled at him with the most genuine smile I could muster and shrugged it off.

The end of the day and so far so good. As I walk out of the school gates and up the way to my house, I could feel someone following me. I kept on turning around but never once saw a soul, maybe i'm finally going crazy. As I reach my front door step I could still feel someone there and when I turned around this time, there was a car full of kids from my school, throwing eggs at me.

I ran inside drenched in smelly eggs; the tears never stopped flowing, not even in the shower when I washed it all off. I went down stairs and cleaned up all of the egg yoke at my front door step. Great, now I know that this is only going to get worse. Should I tell someone? No... It'll make things twice as bad. No friggin' way.

When my mum came home from work it was six o'clock and I had been sitting on the couch, crying in front of the tv. I didn't turn my head when she came into the room, just sat there with my knees curled up to my chest. I was wearing the same baggy shirt Rhys gave me and some pajama pants that were in my draw, I wore Rhys' shirt for two whole weeks after Rhys died and that's how she knew something was up.

"Anna, what's wrong, sweetheart?" She asked while stroking my freshly washed hair, if only she knew, but I know I can't tell her. "Nothing, I just miss him" well, not exactly a lie. After that Amy girl had called me names about Rhys' death I had missed him more. I never actually stopped missing him.

That night I cried myself to sleep, replaying what had happened today. And soon after I let sleep consume me whole, and I was hoping it would consume me forever.


Authors note:

Hey guys! I know i already posted this chapter but it felt too short and in-completed. So here you go! A better ending (: Hope everyone is enjoying the start of 2014!!!

-Rachiee <3

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