Chapter 4 - Isabel

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I rode across the rocky terrain of the mountains that ran along the border between my kingdom and the next, my long black hair blowing in the gale force winds. I spurred my horse on faster, wanting to reach the safety of the neighbouringw castle before the storm reached me fully. As I approached the top of the mountains, I could see the kingdom nestled in the valley below. It was truly a sight to behold. All gleaming towers and white walls. It was less of a castle and more of a palace really. Built to impress rather than protect.

Sodden to the bone, I entered the palace through the ornate gates that guarded the courtyard from outsiders. I had just gotten caught in the storm and I had no chance of staying dry in a storm like that. Marching through the rows of guards, nodding as they stepped forwards to check who I was. The King knew I was coming. This was purely a display of power. Him trying to show me that he could stop me entering at any time. I continued walking at a fast pace until I reached a large set of ornate wooden doors. "Enter." a deep voice from inside the room called out. The doors slowly opened and I walked inside.

The King was sitting on a tall golden throne, smirking as I entered. I march across the room, not caring for manners as I do so. This man would never truly respect me, no matter how I behaved towards him so I may as well be comfortable. "My dear, how good it is to see you again." His voice was sickeningly patronizing so I ignored his remark and focused on my mission. "You know why I am here so let us not waste time with such pleasantries. I want the book." I stare him down, hands on my hips. He laughs and waves a soldier over who places a seat behind me. "Sit," he commands, "we have much to discuss." I sigh and grit my teeth in frustration. I stay standing. I don't have time for a long conversation. I need the book so I can get back before nightfall. "I need to get back before nightfall. I'm here to take the book, nothing else." He laughs and then his face clouds over. He glare at me threateningly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the soldiers stationed at each of the corners reach slowly for their swords. Tensing, I turn my attention back to the King. "I think we both know you're outnumbered here my dear, so I suggest that you sit down and talk this over with me." His tone is light but his eyes haven't lost their murderous glint. Slowly, I sit, not relaxing at all. "Now I assume you know what this book contains. This in itself leads to the question of why would you want such a book." Keeping my face blank, I reply, "I'm interested in the legend. I'm sure you've heard that my library is the biggest in the West. I wanted to expand it and what better way to do so than to get a hold of this book?" He doesn't look convinced but that is none of my concern. I couldn't care less why he thought I needed the book as long as he gave it to me. He began to argue but I got there first. "Remember - " I whisper, "remember what you owe me. Because it isn't something I'm ever going to forget." I stand up, smirking down at him. He looks stunned but then he slowly beckons over a soldier and whispers something in his ear.

Less than 10 minutes later, I'm riding against the wind across the vast expanse of land that is the border between our lands. On my lap lies the book that I spent so long searching for. Of course it would have been easier to find if I didn't have to do so in secret. Or if there was anything of significance on its plain brown cover, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters now is that I have it and that I can find her.

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