Chapter 6 - Isabel

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I'm still studying the book when the sun comes up the next morning. I can barely keep my eyes I'm so tired but I keep reading. This is more important than sleep. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and I call for the person to enter. It's my closest advisor - Austin. He gives a stiff laugh at the sight of me, his queen, sitting hunched, bleary eyed over a book, still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. He hasn't properly laughed or smiled for years so I would take anything I could get. Smiling at him I stand up, stretching my sore joints. "What's wrong, Austin?" I ask softly. Taking a deep breath, as though mentally preparing himself, he speaks cautiously,"An inquisitor is on his way as we speak." I let out an onslaught of curses. "Unfortunately, this isn't the worst news." He says pausing slightly before continuing as though checking that I want to hear the worse news. I nod quickly and he continues,"He was sent by the King himself and -" I scream in frustration, interrupting him. He glares at me and I silence myself immediately, momentarily forgetting my position. He continues, "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, they are coming from Mirendell." I stare at him, trying to digest what he just said. "Isabel, are you alright?" He asks but I can barely hear him. "Find out who is in the team and assemble a team to stop them -" he tries to interrupt me but I hold my hand up to stop him,"He is not coming here."I snarl, catching myself off guard with my sudden anger. Shaking my head, I compose myself and continue,"Please, Austin, just do it." He nods his head, his mouth a grim line, and turns on his heel to leave.

The midday heat soon becomes overwhelming in the library so I decide to ride. Changing into my riding gear, I head out to the stables and grab my horse. I jump onto her back and, urging her on, ride out of the large castle gates onto the plains that surround the it, making my kingdom such a good place for shepherds. I gallop faster across the plains, the world becoming a huge green blur as I race, trying to forget everything, until my horse can't take it any more. I slow to a halt and lead her over to the stream, allowing her to drink from the sparkling water, tumbling over rocks and twigs. Suddenly tired, I lie back and stare at the clear blue sky, searching for any clouds hovering above but there were none. I felt strangely lonely out here and for the first time in about 7 years, I wonder if my decision was the right one. Shaking my head angrily, I rid my head of such traitorous thoughts. Of course I had been right. Back then I was a sad nothing, now I am a queen. Almost disappointed in myself for allowing such thoughts to even enter my head I shut my eyes and try to get some sleep, deciding it must be the lack of sleep getting to me.

When I wake, it is well into the afternoon. I sigh as I get up. I suppose I should get back to the castle now. Maybe Austin will have some news for me. However unlikely it was, a part of me hoped the inquisition had been called off, that the King had decided that 20 Guineas of debt between a few shepherds and tiny mining village, but I knew by now that it was about more than that. They were determined to get me off the throne and they would stop at nothing to achieve this. I stood up and came face to face with an old man. Jumping back in surprise, I stutter out an apology. "You!" He screams, pointing a wrinkly finger at me, his hand shaking, whether out of fear or anger I can't tell. "Sorry?" I ask,"I'm not sure who you think I am but -" He interrupts me, and I can see in his eyes that it isn't fear that he's shaking from but anger,"You - You killed her! I'll kill you one day - I'll get my revenge!" He turned and ran surprisingly fast for such and old man. Shaking my head, I mutter to myself,"I'm the queen you know, you can't just go around making death threats." But he is already long gone.

Turning around, I notice that the shouting from the old man had scared away my horse. Muttering curses to myself, I begin to slowly walk back towards the castle, following the little stream as I go.

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