Chapter 7 - Aaden

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I wake as the sun is rising over the horizon. The red light shines across land, making the trees look as though they are bleeding. I stand up quietly and fold up my sheet. Next I check the embers are fully out before chucking a few pieces of kindling onto the fireplace.

By the time the others are awake, I have a large enough fire to cook on. We cook breakfast but the inquisitor doesn't emerge from his tent. I don't expect him to until we need to leave as he most likely has food in there with him.

Eventually, once the sun has fully risen, he emerges and beckons us forwards. I stamp out the fire and walk over. "We walk through the forest together. Nothing should happen but I trust that you all have a knife just in case?" He asks and we all nod. He seems satisfied with this answer and strides of into the forest, leaving the rest of us exchanging glances and following after him.

We pick our way through the overgrown scrub, making sure not to get caught on the brambles as we pass. Ripping our clothes this early on would not be good as we have to cross the mountains later and we will need as many layers as possible to survive that journey.

From the undergrowth, I suddenly hear a shuffling, like someone trying to disguise the sound of their movement. I turn slowly, trying to look inconspicuous. I catch a glimpse of a coat flying behind a tree and immediately take my knife out. Jonah notices my subtle movements and also take out his blade, holding it in the palm of his hand. A twig cracking alerts the others to the presence of 'visitors'. They know that they have been heard now and walk out cockily from behind the trees. There are about 4 of them and they all look underfed and shabby. None were younger than about 45 however so I felt no pity for them. I had heard about these types of people. They gambled away their lives and then robbed others of theirs. With a nod from the inquisitor, we turn against them. It was an easy fight really. They were 4 weak and unarmed old men against 5 armed men. We soon had each pressed up against a tree, a blade to their throat. The inquisitor stepped forward and spoke. His lapel shifted in the wind and they shrank into themselves as they saw the crest. The penalty for attacking a citizen of Kingshelm was severe and they knew it. The inquisitor looked each of them over slowly and they squirmed under his gaze. Finally, he spoke,"I have decided not to punish you on the condition that you lead us to the silver mountain pass." They looked shocked, as did the three men in our group who had been educated. I saw Jonah elbow one to ask what was going on and when he replied, Jonah's face went a shade paler. I was itching to know what was so bad about the silver mountain pass but now was not the time. We were already moving on.

After about half an hour we had settled into a steady pace and I decided I could ask Jonah about the mountain pass now. "What is so bad about the silver mountain pass?" I asked softly. Jonah looked at me gravely and replied,"It will shorten the route by many weeks but they say only one man has survived crossing it." I drew a breath. I thought we were supposed to arrive at the destination? As though sensing our distress, the inquisitor turned and addressed us all. "I know the rumours that come with the silver mountain pass and I tell you now that they are true." We all collectively took in a breath as we realise what we got ourselves into. "However, I am the one man to have passed through and survived and I promise you that all five of you will also make history by coming out the other side alive." Without a second glance at us, he continued walking and the rest of us soon began to follow slowly, unsure of how to feel.

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