Melody 2: Masie Janine Scott I

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Third Person's POV

Finally, another dreadful day of Masie had finished. The sales are good. The orders for tomorrow were already prepared and were ready to deliver. Everything's settled, time to go home. She glanced, more like stared at the picture sitting peacefully above her table for the last time for the day. A picture of five girls showing their brightest smile, laughing because... Why was it again? She could hardly remember the reason. How long has it been anyway? 6 years? 12? Why it does already feels like forever since the last time they were complete, they were together. She misses them... She long for them...too much.

A long ring from her phone brought her back from her reverie. An alarm set to remind her to take a break once in a while. And that was when she realizes it was already 1 hour past midnight. She cleared her table, grabbed her bag and shut the lights off as she went outside of her four-cornered office. She was welcomed by the silence and darkness but she's still able to see the tables and piled chairs all in their right place, a typical scene after a day's work in a café. Right, Masie Janine Scott is running a popular café in town.

After doing her last minute of checking, she was off to go. She locked the main door off the café as she was about to leave. She hastily head to her car, trying to escape the silence of her workplace, the silence of the street, the laughter shared from the past that she's been hearing up until now. Laughter shared by them that are supposed to be forgotten by now. But she just can't seem to get it off her mind.

As soon as she reached her car, she immediately turns her radio on, but suddenly laughs sarcastically at the very first thing she heard. "You've got to be kidding me!" she told herself. The song being played on the radio was the song "Always Be Together", their song. The universe must be playing a joke on her, that's what she thought. It's not like she doesn't hear this song every once in a while, everywhere, but she wishes not to hear this song now, not now when all the memories could freely flow back into her mind clearly. Everything mixed up together-the stress, the silence, the memories- just cause a throbbing pain in her head. It's she's watching a moving... and the five of them are the main cast.

She could remember so well. 14 years ago. She was walking along the corridors of her beloved school. It was already dismissal time and she was on her way back to her classroom to meet her friends. It seems like this has already been their routine ever since they became friends. Waiting until all of them are complete before they all go home together. As soon as she arrived at the classroom, as expected, she was welcomed by the chattering and laughters of four lovely ladies. Fortunately, they were all complete, Ashleen, Summer, Heather and lastly, Elliot the newest member of the group.


"At long last! Our dearest Masie has arrived." Ash said with so much enthusiasm. Well, this is always expected from her since she's the most energetic and lively in the group.

"Sorry for keeping you long." Masie replied. She just ran an errand from a teacher that's why it took her long to return to the classroom. "Let me make it up to all of you. Dinner's on me. My treat!"

"Great! We're starving. Summer, Elliot and Heather, you think you could come?" says Ash. Summer is the most timid in the group, and Elliot? Masie could remember so well the day she saved her from a group of bullies. She was still so weak and fragile back then. But Elliot's no longer alone anymore, Masie assures that.

"Does Elliot really have to come with us?" Heather complained in a quite harsh tone. They've been noticing this small tension going on between Heather and Elliot these past few days, but they're just trying to set these things aside.

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