Melody 6: Heather Penelope Lilac II

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Third Person's POV

About a week after Heather stopped their connection, she invited them all to have a sleepover at their house because she really missed her friends and also by the fact that her parents were gone for the whole week, she took advantage of it.

It was 6:48 pm when all of them came in Heather's house. They talked for awhile then all of a sudden, their door bell rang.

Who could it be? Heather asked herself while she hurriedly went to the front door to see who was it.

To her surprise, it was Elliot. All complete with a sweatshirt, a pillow and a bag full of chips.

"Hey Heather. Are they already here?" Elliot asked.

"Uhmm.. Why are you here?" Heather asked trying to be calm.

"You sent us invitations about your planned sleepover so.." Elliot said slyly

Elliot's prattle was interrupted when Masie, Summer, and Ash came behind Heather.

"Hey! Elliot come over" Masie gestured at Elliot.

Heather's plan wasn't fulfilled because of Elliot. Until now, she's still the star of the group and that Heather's still the "invisible one."

"I thought they changed, but they're still the worst. That Elliot, stealing friends. Next time I should be very selective in choosing friends because people nowadays don't know the meaning of true friendship and loyalty." Heather whispered under her breath.

When Heather was serving their dinner, she didn't included Elliot and that confused her friends.

"Let's eat." Heather said while taking a seat.

"Wait, maybe you forgot someone." Summer said.


"You forgot Elliot's dinner." Ash said. "Elliot just take mine. I will prepare-" but before Ash could finish Heather shouted, "For all I know, she. Is. Not. Invited. In. my. House." While gritting her teeth.

"Take that back Ashleen! That's yours and there's nothing for Elliot!" she yelled and ran towards the kitchen.

A drop of tear came from Elliot's eyes. Masie comforted her and hush her. Summer and Ash look at each other for they themselves don't know what to do.

They ended that night with the atmosphere seemed to be gloomy. There isn't much fun about that night. And Masie, Summer and Ash don't know what's happening.

Later in school, Heather didn't talked to them or even stayed with them.

"Wow. They didn't really care for me. Huh." She thought.

As she was in the classroom sitting alone, Elliot came in and sat beside her.

"Heather, what's wrong?" Elliot asked.

Heather ignored her and decided to go outside but before she could stand, Elliot grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me freak!" Heather couldn't handle it anymore. She screamed at Elliot.

Elliot remained silent.

"You want to know what's wrong with me? I'm telling you. You! You are my problem! Well, let me tell you straight, you just stole all my friends from me. And I should be thankful because now I am alone. Shallow reason right? But No! They are everything to me Elliot and when you came you stole them from me. How dare you!" Heather started to cry so as Elliot.

"I-I didn't stole the-"

"You did! Stop acting innocent! It doesn't suit you Elliot! The truth is, you stole them. They forgot about me! All they think is you! Elliot here, Elliot there! What about me? I need them too Elliot. I need them as much you need them. I am broken and they are the ones you complete me." Outraged, Heather slip all of those from her mouth. She had vented all her problems about Elliot. She didn't noticed, Masie, Summer and Ash was stunned right at the door.

"I'm sorry, Heather. If you feel that way. " Elliot said sobbing.

"Your sorry doesn't go anywhere now Elliot" cold as ice, Heather stared blankly at Elliot. "It would be better if you leave"

"No!" Ash, Summer and Masie came bursting inside the classroom.

"Elliot will not leave Heather" Masie said.

"N-no Masie, I should. In the first place, I do not belong with you. Thank you for accepting me for wh-"

"That's it! Accept! Why won't you accept Elliot Heather? She hadn't done anything to you." Ash said.

Heather let out a sarcastic laugh. "Really? You think Elliot hadn't done anything to me? For Pete's sake why are you defending her? We know each other half our lives but now you are all against me with someone you just knew?"

"Heather, stop that" the voice of Summer said. "We heard everything". Heather widened her eyes.

"We are sorry for making you feel that way Heather." Masie softened her voice and came near Heather. "We didn't know" Masie reached for Heather's hands but Heather shrug it off.

"You never asked!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah. We admit we have also our mistakes. Elliot, we knew her because she was not treated right. She was bullied and being bullied is not easy, you know that too well Heather. She's vulnerable and she needed us."

"You have that amazing personality Heather that all of us admire. We knew you can do everything even without our help. You are a strong woman, we know that. All that had happened to you molded you to be the person you are right now while Elliot, needed to be molded also. We are very sorry Heather for all our imperfections. We understand you now. We will never make the same mistakes again." Ash spoke.

"I'm sorry" were the words slip from Heather's mouth. Masie hugged her. Summer and Ash followed. "I'm sorry Elliot, please don't leave" and by that, instead running towards the door, Elliot run towards Heather and they made their longest hug with each other. Both of them longing for each other's touch since the day they first landed their eyes on each other.

A tear rolled in her cheek as she remembered the stupidity she had years ago. That almost broke their friendship. She bitterly chuckled remembering how she had mistreated Elliot.

Elliot, she's the most amazing person Heather knew.

"Childish!" Heather commented on herself. The fact how that event made their friendship stronger. Heather can't help not to think about the memories they should have when she accepted Elliot right away. Neglecting all the other side comments, just her and Elliot. How could that be? They should have shared a lot of stories together in their sleepover. They should've collected a lot of novels together and having it signed with their favorite authors.

"Thanks for the treat Micah" she bid.

"Well, thanks too for being the story-teller of the day. Take a leave, I advise. I'm hoping you'll enjoy being with them again, you know. You should catch up especially with Elliot." Micah said and wave her hand. "Gotta go Heather, good luck!"

Heather smiled and turned her back as the car of Micah went out of sight. She immediately went straight home.

The day had come. In a place where flowers bloom, where birds sing and where horizons meet, in there was a melody that was lost long ago. A melody that would reunite each other with just a hymn and bring all love back to where it have been.

"It's time." Heather sighed as she buttoned the last button on her blouse.

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