Melody 11: Ashleen Tiffany Zaldivar I

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Third Person's POV

It is nearing midnight when a twenty-two years old lady, carrying guitar on her back, wearing ripped jeans as thought she'd been in some kind of savage tearing and a flannel hugging her waist as her simplest white V-neck shirt wrapped her body exposing her well-shaped body structure and her posture. Her hair is bun messily that suits her heart-shaped face perfectly. She opened their big oak door while slightly yawning. The lamp in the living room was still lit, for a second she forgot that her grandmother is waiting for her.

"How was your day Ashleen?" her grandmother spoke sitting on a single sofa chair. "From the look on your face I can say that you're really tired." Added her grandmother with a soft voice. The lady went near her and kissed her aging cheeks but still gorgeous.

"Not really Nana, it was just a bit tiring today because I handled three different meetings and one meeting from France Hilton, CEO of Summer's modeling company." She answered to her grandmother.

"Well then, your dad must be really proud of you dear. You are able to cope up with the things you least expected and accepted things with no difficulty" her grandmother kissed her in her forehead and continued, "I'll prepare your milk, go upstairs and change already."

She went upstairs and headed towards the purple door filled with glittered stars. She entered the room which she considered as a safe haven for her where she feels whenever she entered her own room that she'd been floating together with the stars and giving her a feeling that would take you to another galaxy. In the center ceiling of her room has a view where the name "Ash" was perfectly painted in the most extraordinary way as what represents her. Extraordinary. What makes her extraordinary? Do she have special powers? No.

She's simply extraordinary because Ashleen Tiffany Zaldivar is just herself. No pretentions, no lies, no mask to cover her up. She dress herself with clothes that define her. A sexy but modest average lady. She does everything according to her own will. She eats a lot, she laugh as hard as she could and she have that sense of humor everyone wants. She is perfectly the girl whom everyone valued because of her amazing personality.

As she changed into her slumber attire, she opened her drawer and withdraw her phone from it. Three missed calls and five messages. It appeared in the screen. She unlocked her phone, holding it with the use of her left hand and the other right is busy combing her hair. She managed to open it while doing other stuffs. She scanned through her phone and found that the calls she got that day was from Summer, her mom and the other one from Pietr. She now proceeded to the message box of her phone. She scrolled and found that the messages was still the same person except two messages came from Summer and one from Masie. She read the messages of Summer asking her where she'd been and to text her as soon as she arrived from home. She did texted Summer and read the message from her mom. 'Have a great Sunday, Sweetie! I love you' that was sent 6:30 in the morning yet she just read it now. From the back of her mind, it is too late now to reply from it but she started typing a reply to her mom thanking and saying her love for her.

She was about to read the message from Masie when the screen of her phone flashed the caller ID of Summer. She didn't expect it as thousands of memories blocked her mind caused by the melody that filled her room, a melody that plays a big role in her life.

"Ash, why didn't you brought your phone with you? Glad you opened your phone now for I thought I will just have to talk to you when I arrived there in New York. Well, I can't help not to spill this out but I received message from Masie about the upcoming reunion of the Student Council, I'm making my way now to get there. This excites me a lot. Hey! Ashleen, you still there?" the voice of Summer was jolly but then died because all she heard from the other line was nothingness.

"Summer, do you think they missed us too?" involuntarily, these words slipped out of Ash's mouth.

"Silly you are to think like that Ash. Of course they do miss us. What is the main point why they called this reunion out?" Summer's voice raised a bit but giggled later on. "I'm so excited!" she declared.

Ash and Summer's talk lasted not long before Ash's grandma knocked on the door and gave Ash's milk. "I'll hang up now Summer. Always be safe there okay?" Ash bid.

"I will. Expect me this Wednesday sis" said Summer before the call was ended.

Ash's grandmother enter the room and placed the glass of milk in Ash's side table. "It's Summer, isn't it?" Ash nodded to her grandmother. "How is she?" her grandmother asked gently.

"She's fine Nana, she's with Jayden in California. She said to expect her on Wednesday." Ash answered her grandmother, from her voice it is very obvious that something is bothering her. There's a hint of sadness in her voice that made her grandmother worried. Her grandmother gently patted Ash's back for this is the only way her grandmother know how to ease Ash a little bit. For twenty-two years, she can easily know when Ash is woebegone and when she is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ash drank her milk. Her grandmother continued combing her hair. Slowly, she drifted into sleep.

6:30 in the morning when Ash's clock alarmed. The brightness of the sun came through her window. For a moment, she forgot how she slept last night for all she remembered, Summer had called last night. She stood up but she felt that everything around her is turning, her head is aching, her stomach is turning upside down and as her pink lips went pale and so she just remain seated in her bed. Ash leaned in the lavender wall and stared blankly into the frame she had put in the other wall facing her. Every day she got to see this frame and reminisce the years of friendship they all had. She missed the way how Heather raised her brow every time she made a joke about her crush, she missed the way how Elliot scribbled effortly through her notebook as she change the ink of her favorite pen into something nasty, she missed the way how Masie got annoyed every time Ash came and distract her with chocolates but the unforgettable moment Ash had with them was finally unleashing the truth between her relation with Summer, the person who completed one missing piece of her.

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