Melody 8: Summer Elise Anderson I

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Third Person's POV

"And that's a wrap! Thank you all so much for your hard work." the director of the shoot gratefully thanked everyone in the studio.

Summer just finished a shoot for the September issue of Vogue Magazine. She's a model working for Vogue. Many projects were given to her since she started this kind of profession.

She tiredly thanked the other staffs that made this day successful by giving them a small smile and a handshake. It's already three thirty in the afternoon and Summer is in her dressing room almost done keeping her stuff so that she can go home to her apartment and gets some rest or maybe buy some coffee along the way. Ready to leave the room, when Ryan, the director, entered in her room. She seemed surprised for a bit for she didn't know that he would come in her room.

"Summer you've been very amazing earlier and I would like to give you my thanks for such a job well done!" Ryan praised Summer.

"Oh, it's nothing I'm just doing what I love and have fun to it. Thank you also for your hard work Ryan." she replied.

"Today's shoot was lit! I can't wait for the copy to be released." Ryan said excitedly.

"Yeah, me too!"

"Well, I won't hold you any longer. Thanks again for today, gets some rest I know you're tired from the shoot."

"Thank you again, you too Ry." After they both bid their goodbyes Ryan returned to his office and Summer left the room.

While walking home on the streets of New York, paparazzi were following her. Lights flashed through her face yet she didn't mind it. She answered politely some questions that the paparazzi asked for her even though she was really exhausted from earlier. She managed to be nice and smiled to the paparazzi, even talked to some for a bit. Suddenly a black stylish car was parked before her and from the looks of it she already knew that it was her boyfriend's car, Jayden. She apologized to them and waved goodbye then she immediately got in to his car and sighed in relief as Jayden started the car and drove her to her apartment.

"Thank you for saving me love, your timing back there was great."

"My pleasure love, I was just buying something for my little brother then I looked outside and noticed you were surrounded by paparazzi. After getting what I need I hurriedly went to the place where you were mobbed." Jayden said as he turned on the radio, noticed that his car wasn't playing any music.

"That was a bit scary. I almost collapse back there because of my tiredness and of their sudden appearance that the hell I didn't know what to do." Summer said recalling of what happened earlier.

"Yet somehow I regained myself and managed not to collapse in front of them, my that would be so embarrassing if I collapse in front of them!"

Jayden laughs and said "True, it would be very embarrassing for you especially that you're one of the newest model in the model industry."

Pink skies were slowly forming above making it look like a cotton candy as they drove along the streets.

"But you didn't because you're Summer Elise Anderson. You'll do anything just to make others happy and that's one thing I love about you." He replied looking back at her from the driver's seat with a smile. She mimicked his smile and nodded her head. No words can express how much she loves this guy. She was about to take a nap when a very familiar song played from the radio. She didn't feel sleepy right away as the song played beautifully through her ears.

"Hey S, this song reminds you of something or someone right?"

It took her longer to respond but after a few moments she then replied to him.

"My best friends. This is our theme song since we started our friendship during in our high school years."

"I see, I'm sure you missed them a lot."

Stars started to appear in the dark sky and lights covered the whole New York City which was a beautiful and magical thing to see.

"Yeah, I really do miss them."

Summer is silent after that while the song is coming to an end. For how many years of no communication or even seeing with each other, how can she not miss them. They finally arrived at her apartment. She thanked him for the ride and bid him goodbye then she went inside to finally get some rest.

Summer took a shower and changed her clothes to her comfortable ones then she plopped on her bead releasing a huge sign from her mouth. "Wow, I've never been so exhausted before." She said to herself as she got up from lying on her bed and drank her tea that she placed on her night stand. After taking a few sips she noticed something on her bookshelf. She then went to grab it from the bookshelf and quickly she recognized what the thing is. On the cover was five beautiful girls with big smiles on their faces standing side by side with each other. It's their friendship scrapbook from years ago. A tear rolled down from Summer's cheek which she quickly wiped it away. She sat down on her bed and dusted off the dirt and dust that was on the scrapbook and carefully opened it. Pictures, writings and random things were there and every page there's a specific date to it. Memories of them laughing, crying and doing weird and crazy things were on each picture. She remembered the day when she first met Elliot Thomas. She was a new student who was bullied by some girls and was saved by Masie who is also her best friend. Elliot was a bit shy when she was introduced to her but Summer knew that Elliot can be trusted and that they can be really good friends.

Her step-sister, Ashleen once said to her that friendship isn't about who you've known the longest but rather it's about who walked into your life and said "I'm here for you" and proved it. No matter how many times you fight, no matter what the challenges are that might get in your way, you still forgive and help each other out. Summer smiled as she stared at the picture which she used during an activity when she was in high school. It was a photo of her mom smiling towards her while she recalled that one memory she'll never forget in their friendship years and how it changes her life.

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