Chapter Eighteen 1/2

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Petra's POV

"How do you feel?" The question sounded strange, almost echo-ey, and it bothered me to no end. I felt as if I couldn't open my eyes, but then again I was almost afraid of what I would see when I did.

"Weird. Like I forgot my stomach on the way down here." I groan, keeping my eyes tightly shut, not wanting to see anything around me, but the voice kept talking none the less.

He laughed, it was almost kind and amused, but u couldn't figure out why. Had I said something funny? I decided to ask but the voice already knew.

"Silly Petra. You didn't fall down. You flew up." It answered the unsaid question, making my eyes fly open in confusion, seeing a world of white, fluffy blocks surrounding us.

My jaw dropped as I jumped to my feet, unable to believe my eyes. This couldn't be... Could it?

"Welcome to Heaven young warrior."

Chapter Eighteen 1/2- Welcome to Heaven

I whipped my head around, awestruck to see the man in front of me that had died no so long ago.

Magnus, still as bald as I remembered him being.

"How is this possible? I'm not dead. I... They...." I couldn't figure out what I was trying to say, but I got slightly distracted by the feeling of something on my back.

Magnus was laughing, in a kind yet mocking way, so I guess you can still be slightly insane here.

But I still couldn't see what was on my back, turning around in circle trying to see what was attached to me. Magnus finally stopped me by placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Look kid, you're dead, you're an angel now, up here with the rest of us good guys." He says, narrowing his eyes slightly. I shake my head, eyes darting around.

"No! I can't be dead! There's so much I still needed to do!" I shout, feeling a lump of anger and sadness well up in my throat. Magnus' glare softened as he seemed to read me perfectly. "Listen, I know this is hard on you, I know you had people down there that you cared about, but what you don't get is you died, and there isn't a way out of it."

I fumed, mainly because I didn't even understand how I died. The only thing I remembered was being pushed into Jessie, and then the floor being gone. But I didn't get it, if that was what made me die, then where was everyone else?

Did they survive? Am I destined to never see them again if they're dead? What's going on?

"Hey! Kid! Listen, I can show you your death if you want, but you need to stay calm when I do it. You have much to learn about up here, but first you have to accept your death." At his words I nodded, almost eagerly. I needed to know exactly how I died, and why.

His hand touches the side of my head, close to my eye, and my vision fades away, turns a blinding white that make me want to scream, and turns into something else.

Something familiar.

A girl hits me hard in the stomach, sending me flying to land onto someone else, someone that breaks my fall.

I can feel the pain radiating from my stomach, wanting to clutch it but can't, having this be a memory. The girl I landed on tries to keep me steady, by her own arms are shakey, almost weak as she tried to do it.

The girl yells something, but I can't hear it, I'm too busy staring at the girl's eyes. The ones that could only belong to one person in my entire memory. Jessie, the girl who destroyed the Wither Storm, saved the world. Saved me, was the bravest person I knew. Was my closest friend.

It was coming back as I witnessed it all again, watching as the ground beneath her collapsed, and we fell through the air, screams sounding from all around us, but my eyes stay locked on her, her hair flying up to brush my cheeks, her eyes filled with fears as her choked scream fills my ears.

I could feel my body shifting, and I realized before I saw what had happened to make me die.

While Jessie had once been with her back facing down, to be the one getting the most impact, I had switched us around, and now I would be the one to take the blow of the landing.

Her eyes widened, her scream cutting off as for the slit second before the unbearable pain started, she knew what I had done.

When my vision and mind went back to heaven, I felt a tear running down my cheek, making the dead order member smile lightly.

"You died boldly kid. I bet your friend appreciates it." He states simply, it means nothing that I'm dead. Though I surprised myself when I found that I wasn't mad. The thought of my death did nothing but crush my heart into millions of tiny pieces.

His hand rested on my shoulder, and I flinched away from him, finding big, feathered wings blocking him.

They were mine, I could feel them moving with every thought now, and Magnus took a step back.

"You're here now, you cannot go back. I know things are difficult down there, but heck, when I died you all still defeated the evil. I think your friends will do just fine." He states before starting to walk away, shouting over his shoulder, "plus you can fly now!"

As I examined my wings, admitting they were cool, I knew that they could never compare to having my friends around.

They would never compare to being around Jessie.


Heh... So this chapter has been split into two parts for specific reasons you will all see very soon. *insert winky face here* Hope you all enjoyed, and I'll check you all later.


P.S: still insanely dead.

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