Chapter Nineteen

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Lukas' POV

We had been sitting here for maybe- well I did know. It seemed like a long time. Petra's body had poofed away, along with the Trial that took the blow for me. But the first was more heartbreaking. What Jessie had said, just before it happened, it still made my head spin. 'I love you Petra' it had been filled with so much pain, so much sorrow, I couldn't help but feel bad.

Olivia was looking around for a way out that wasn't the tunnel, knowing that we wouldn't be able to face The Master in this state. Normally I would disagree, and wait for an amazing speech from Jessie, but I knew that this time we didn't have a chance. Our best fighter was dead, and our fearless leader was in tears. I think the only way to get through this would be to find a way out, and recover before we start something we can't finish.

Chapter Twenty- Seeing The Light

It was quiet, no one dared speak a word. Axel was still trying to keep Jennifer steady, as she seemed to be off balance with the loss of her tail. I almost found it strange how she looked without it, since I've only ever seen her with it anyway. But it was even stranger that Axel was the one tending to her. After all, they did never get along. When they first met the fought, and now they almost seemed like siblings. It was weird.

Jessie still wouldn't speak, even when I walked over to attempt to say something, she just shook her head when I feasted my hand on her shoulder. It felt terrible to not be able to do something, anything to make it better, so finally, finding the silence louder than anything I've ever heard, I let my voice ring out through the cave.

"I'm done being silent. I know we lost Petra, I know this is hard, but we can't just sit here and take stupid orders from this so called Master." I start, making Olivia turn to me in annoyance. "How can you even say this? We lost our best fighter Lukas! How can we beat this thing without her?!" She was yelling, angry, depressed, sorrow-filled yelling. It made my heart break for maybe the third time today.

"That's not what I mean-" she but me off before I could finish, her dark brown eyes watery with tears. "Then what did you mean Lukas?" She mutters, her voice barely above a whisper. I looked down, shaking my head. "I only meant why should we listen to an order of silence? There's one of him, and five of us!" I point out, making her back down, looking like a kicked puppy. I felt bad, but I knew I was right, we can't just sit around and let this thing control us.

"Stop arguing." A new voice ordered, making us turn to face the tunnel entrance. A figure stood there, holding a spear of sorts, wearing light purple armor, the helmet's visor hiding their eyes. Only vaugly do I see Jessie rise to her feet, moving to start beside me, only slightly hiding behind my arm. She was too weak to fight this guy, and she knew it, so she was hiding. "Why should we take your orders?" I call over, making a sickening smirk appear on their lips. The guard walked towards me, revealing at least six more behind them, all wearing the same armor, moving into the gigantic hole we had be sulking in for the past hours. "You would have made an good soldier for The Master, spirited, brave, but seeing as you're with them, you would do well to listen go our orders, lest you have a death wish." Of course, I never knew when to back down, so when I took a step towards the guard, it was no surprise when he drew the pointy end of his spear up to my neck, making fear go through me.

Jessie pushed me back and away from the sharp bit, now standing in front of me protectively. Apparently she wasn't going to lose anyone else to this fight if she could help it. The simple motion gave me hope that the Jessie I know is still there, even though Petra's gone. "Y-You're not gonna hurt them." She growls out, making the guard's eyes widen in surprise. Then his lips curl up into a smile and he laughs, hysterically. The sound echoed around on the stone walls, making Olivia cringe in her spot on the floor. Axel ever narrowed his eyes in disgust at the sound. It was terrible, mocking. Jessie's fists clenched, but they shook with effort. She wasn't strong enough to fight them, she wasn't even strong enough to stand up in front of them from the looks of it. Yet here she was, fists shaking and eyes narrowed as she waits for the guard to stop, and finally speak normally. "Silly girl. You cannot stop me if I do decide to hurt them. Besides, The Master wants the pleasure of meeting you all before you die. So don't worry, you'll be with your friend again soon." The way the hurtful words just so simply slipped past his teeth confused me. How could anyone be so okay with saying something so evil?

Axel walked over, keeping Jennifer staedy so they could both stand with Jessie. Together as they stood there, I don't think I've ever seen any two people so pissed off in my entire lifetime. "If The Master wants us so badly, he'll have to come and get us, cause there's no way we're goin anywhere with you." Axel growls, wrapping a protective arm around Jessie. Jennifer limped over to stand in front of us as Olivia moved to stand with us, gripping Jessie's shaking hand like their lives depended on it. "This is gone far enough. Don't you all see that The Master is just using you to destroy the world?" She asks, voice small and choked out. The guards seemed amused by the question, almost like she had said the best joke out there.

"You really believe The Master is bent on destroying the world? You're a fool. It plans on saving the world from people like you all. People who think what they're doing is for the greater good or something like that, but in the end, you just make things worse than they were before." I could see Jessie's free fist clenching even harder then before, but this time it fell to her side limp. "Let's just go. We have no other choice." She mutters, looking beaten. I was about to protest, say we could still find a way around it all, but nothing cake to mind. I couldn't say anything to change her mind because I knew it was the only way. "Fine." Axel grumbles, complying with a clear distaste. Olivia stayed silent as she was the first to walk forward, having a guard in front of her, and either side. Axel and Jennifer went on next, and I followed in tow. Jessie stayed at the back of the group, never saying anything else as we were led to our deaths.

Then, when Jessie fell to the ground and couldn't get up, the guards hurting her and holding us back, something came crashing through the tunnels, bringing with it a bright white light.


Ugh. That took me too long to write. Anyway, expect this story to have maybe two or three chapters left, cause we are nearing the battle! Ha ha ha! Anyway hope you've all enjoyed and I'll try and update the next one as I celebrate thanksgiving!


PS. Remember to jump in a pile of leaves this fall! (Or whenever your fall is!)

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