Daily Routine

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     Every morning, I wake up at 5:30, and get dressed. My alarm is just loud enough to wake me up, because if it were any louder, it would wake Emma up too. I share a room with her.
     After getting dressed, I head to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Just like every morning, my parents are already awake.
     "Morning dad, morning mom" I said cheerfully, and mom handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.
     "Morning pumpkin. What's the plan for today?"
I though for a moment while I stabbed my fork into my eggs. "After I finish my chores, I want to work some more with Spirit, and maybe take Hunter to the dog park."
Dad nodded just as Liam walked in the room. He was dressed, but still looked half asleep as he stumbled over to the table. A minute later Ethan came in, also dressed, and looking just as tired as Liam.
"Good morning boys" mom said. I picked up my now empty plate and put it in the sink. I'm a fast eater.
     "I'm going to feed Carrot and Houdini" I stated and went out the back door. It was still dark out.
     I trekked down to the barn and heaved open the big oak doors. Then I grabbed some owl food and gave it to Carrot.
     When I opened the container for the rabbit food, I noticed it was almost empty. I made a mental note to let mom and dad know to get more.
     After feeding Houdini and Carrot, I went out to the fields to water the corn. Liam was already out there. By that time it was light out.
As we crouched down, watering the small corn plants, mom came over holding Emma. I was surprised the two year old was even up this early.
"Lilah, if you wanted to bring Hunter to the dog park, Liam is going to have to take you because I have to go drop Emma off at the Children's Center before I go to work."
The Children's Center was a daycare that we bring Emma to during the day while mom and dad are at work. She doesn't go as much during the summer, because we aren't at school, so Liam or I can watch her, but today we are all busy.
"Fine" Liam sighed. He hated driving me around. "But I'm not staying. You can call me when you're ready to be picked up."
I laughed and nodded. "Sounds good to me."

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