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     After the corn was taken care of, I went to see Spirit. I fed him and then groomed him. I was going to ride him too, but Liam was getting impatient.
     "Lilah, hurry up. I can't sit around and wait to bring you places all day. I have things to do."
     I sighed. "Fine, I'm coming." I quickly gave Spirit some more hay, and then went to find Hunter.
     When we got to the dog park, Hunter ran straight for the doggy pool. Laughing, I ran after him. Hunter loves swimming. If he could, I bet he would do it every day.
I watched as he slid down the small slide into the water, and swam around for a bit before climbing back out.
He ran happily over to me and shook, water spraying all over me. I shrieked and jumped back.
Once we were both dried off, I led Hunter over to a grassy area. I had started to try to teach him to roll over, but so far all he would do is sit.
"Hunter, sit. Good boy. Roll over." I took a treat and tried to make him roll over with it, but he snatched it from my hand before I could do anything.
I groaned. This was getting nowhere. Maybe I could try something else.
I held another treat above Hunter. "Hunter, up." Hunter jumped up and ate the treat from my hands.
"Yes! Good boy!" I clapped and cheered. We practiced that a few more times before I texted Liam letting him know I was ready to go.

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