Chapter 1

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[Tinypaw's POV]

I squealed in surprise as the black and white apprentice jumped on my playfully. He was giggling away as I pushed him off of me and started to groom my fur. My brother, Maplepaw, was encouraging the little apprentice. I swatted at my brother and looked at Witheredpaw.

"What have I said about surprising me? You messed up my fur!" I complained still grooming it. Witheredpaw got back up on his paws looking to me with his huge eyes.

"I'm sorry! But look how good my stalking skills have gotten! I'm improving quickly. Oh! Guess what my mentor said I could do?" Witheredpaw asked me excitement in his eyes. I purred softly remembering when I was like that.

"What is it Witheredpaw?" Maplepaw asked leaning against me slightly. I laughed and pushed him over. "Hey! What was that for?" He coughed as he got up shaking his fur making dirt spray onto me. I hissed playfully at him.

"My mentor said that if I can get a warrior and two older apprentices with me, I can go hunting without him! So, what do you say? Will you come hunting with me?" Witheredpaw asked excited.

"If you stop bouncing around I'll think about it." I teased him. Witheredpaw always hung around me so I kinda accepted him as a little brother. I could see Maplepaw did too. I wasn't so sure about the rest of my siblings or Aquaclaw.

Aquaclaw had been different since he became a warrior. It seems like he is a whole other cat. It has also felt weird not having him sleep next to me at night. We still meet up in the forest sometimes hunting on our own together or practicing our fighting skills but he has been busy with patrols and I've been busy with my training.

I'm almost a warrior now. I have to train all day and night. I work on hunting mainly in the day then when I go to sleep and wake up in the Dark Forest I work on my fighting. My mentor is very impressed with my skill level. I'm almost certain she will make me a warrior soon.

"But I'm not even bouncing around!" Witheredpaw whined. I chuckled and swatted his nose.

"Then stop whining and we can go. Do you have a warrior picked out?" I asked him getting up and stretching my legs out. I looked around the clearing trying to see if I could find Aquaclaw quickly.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe Aquaclaw could come with us. You are close to him so he might listen to you." He said shifting on his paws slightly.

I gulped. Why did I know he was going to ask me that? I hope he says yes just so I can talk to them both. If not then I'll have to get them out of the camp later, I thought. I did need to tell them both something.

"Alright, I'll go see if Aquaclaw is in the warriors' den. Maplepaw, can you go ask Cheetahpelt if we can all go on a hunting patrol together?" I asked my brother. He nodded and headed to go find the spotted tom.

Now it was my turn. I slowly padded toward the warriors' den. I got to the edge and was just about to look in when someone walked out. I jumped a little but noticed it was Aquaclaw. I purred softly.

"Aquaclaw! Hey, um, you want to go hunting with me, Maplepaw, and Witheredpaw? Witheredpaw really wants to go hunting without his men-" I rambled on but was cut off by Aquaclaw.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to go on border patrol! I'll go hunting with you later. I promise." He purred to me and quickly trotted over to where Cheetahpelt and Maplepaw were talking. I padded after him to see if I could get Cheetahpelt to change his mind.

"I'm sorry, he's already agreed to go on the patrol now. Maybe you can find another warrior?" I could hear Cheetahpelt suggest. I growled to myself.

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