Chapter 9

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[Tinyclaw's POV]

I looked up seeing Bearstar and a few warriors behind him just after the meeting finished. I flicked my tail for Maplesnow and Witheredpaw to follow me to figure out what was happening. The big brown tom walked over to Midnightstar who glared at the intruders. The rest of the clan tried their best to stay away.

"What do you want Bearstar? Can it not wait until the gathering?" Midnightstar asked Cheetahpelt coming next to her. I twitched my ears and watched with interest.

"No, the gathering is a half a moon away. That is simply too far away for this matter. I came to your camp because one of my warriors, Swiftriver, saw two of your cats attack and kill one of our warriors, Nightstorm. She is with us if you want to ask her anything." Bearstar spoke with calmness but his eyes blazed with anger. Next to me I could feel both Maplesnow and Witheredpaw shift slightly. They didn't, did they?

"What did these two warriors look like?" Midnightstar asked looking to the rest of her clan. She looked as if she was scanning everyone for anything.

"I... I saw black and a little bit of brown fur. I think I saw white as well." Swiftriver spoke up. I watched their warriors carefully and saw one of them slip away and pad over toward where Flamefur and Tigerstripe sat.

That must be Cosmo. I've overheard Flamefur saying something about her. I thought as I watched them then thought about the description that Swiftriver said. Black and white would be Witheredpaw and black and brown would be Maplesnow.

"Hm, did you pick up any scent that you know around the body?" Midnightstar asked scanning back to us. Her eyes narrowed slightly but I don't think she knew anything yet.

"No, I have never met the two whose scent I found. I believe that they are new apprentices." Swiftriver spoke looking at Midnightstar then turned her gaze toward Witheredpaw, Maplesnow, and me. Her eyes narrowed slightly but she didn't say anything.

"Well, we also have a dead warrior we found today. His name was Aquaclaw. We found SmallClan scent around the place as well. Our new warrior, Tinyclaw, said they were ambushed when they went to go hunt." Midnightstar said flicking her tail from side to side. Cheetahpelt stayed next to her not wanting to say anything.

"None of our warriors were near your border before our patrol! This attack just happened recently. I came right here after I heard about it." Bearstar growled his brown tail lashing quickly from side to side. I could tell this was not going to end well.

The war is coming. This is your time to show Midnightstar you are powerful. Thanks to your brother and friend, this will all play out like I wanted it to. Darkfeather's sly voice said in my heard. I twitched my ear trying to tell him to go away for the moment while I watched this.

"Well then you might have some cats that lied about what they were doing! Do I need to get Tinyclaw to come up here and tell you what they looked like?" Midnightstar growled back at the bigger tom.

"You might as well so I know who I should punish if they even did it, which I doubt they did." Bearstar hissed. Midnightstar hissed under her breath with her tail lashing quickly. She jumped down from where she was and got right in his face.

"You do not just march into my camp and accuse my warriors of killing one of your warriors. I did not march into your camp and accuse your warriors so don't even start with mine. Also, when I say something to you, you be respectful and actually pay attention." She hissed her blue eyes narrow as she stared into Bearstar's eyes. The big brown tom took a step back a little flustered.

"Then you might want to say something important then just blabbing on about something stupid." Bearstar said with narrow eyes as he stared down to Midnightstar.

His warriors were now looking as if something bad might happen. Cheetahpelt didn't even try to get closer to Midnightstar to calm her down. My claws needed into the dirt knowing that a fight was going to break out soon between the two leaders and then the rest of the clan would join.

"Do you enjoy hearing yourself talk because it seems like you do. All you ever do is talk about how you don't care about the other clans. If you don't care, then leave us alone." Midnightstar growled. I could see the little glint from her claws. My fur shifted waiting for the fight.

"I am not the one that seems to enjoy talking. That seems to be you. I'm surprised that the five ever wanted to stay in this stupid clan. You all seem like weaklings letting in rouges, loners, and kittypets." Bearstar hissed. I could see Cheetahpelt, Flamefur, and Tigerstripe's eyes widen. This was not good at all.

"You weren't even alive when we were taken from SmallClan so you have no room to talk. Did Heatstar even try looking for us? We tried heading back to SmallClan but Nightmoon found us first. DepthClan took us in and treated us as their own. Something some of your warriors don't know how to do." Flamefur growled padding up next to Midnightstar. Maplesnow shifted from paw to paw next to me. I knew he was not enjoying this.

"Heatstar looked for you for days! Your mother did the same and Blackbriar. He didn't want to give up the hope that you were alive. None of them did. They looked for days and days wanting to find something from you. They found nothing because you were no where to be found. You abandoned us!" Bearstar growled his claws out now. Flamefur lashed her tail. Tigerstripe stared up to his sister and the leaders. She was a brave shecat alright. A lot braver then me anyways.


Alright, now we are getting some action. I want this book to be done before Halloween so I don't have a lot of time to talk but I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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