Chapter 8

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[Witheredpaw's POV]

We were back in camp. I had helped Maplepaw kill that tom. I couldn't believe it. I watched another cat die in front of me. He did deserve it. Maplepaw said that it was his scent for sure. At the very least, he died quickly. I looked at Tinypaw who was curled up in her nest sleeping peacefully. I nodded and knew she was going to get her warrior name soon. I could help! I padded out of the apprentice den and hurried over to where I saw Midnightstar talking with Cheetahpelt.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked looking up to both of them. They both stopped talking and turned their gaze to me.

"What is it Witheredpaw? Is there something you need?" Midnightstar said kindly. I nodded quickly and tried to regain my composure.

"I know this isn't my place to say it, but I want to. When Tinypaw becomes a warrior, I think her warrior name should be Tinyclaw to remember Aquaclaw by. She was very close to him and I'm sure she would love that." I said trying to stay calm even though my fur was slightly bristled just from fright. Cheetahpelt looked at me and nodded.

"We were just talking about what their warrior names should be. I suggested that, and we both agreed." Cheetahpelt said with a small smile. I smiled back knowing that Tinypaw would be happier.

"Yes, now run along. I need to go start the meeting. Go and wake Tinypaw while you are at it just so I know she is awake." Midnightstar purred to me. I smiled and nodded quickly and headed back toward the apprentice den.

Witheredpaw, can you here me? A voice said in my head. I remembered it from yesterday when Tinypaw said she was pregnant. I looked back and saw Midnightstar going over toward the High Rock.

Can't it be another time? Midnightstar is just about to call a meeting so Tinypaw and Maplepaw can be warriors. I asked in my head as I nudged Tinypaw awake. She blinked her soft amber eyes at me.

No it can't. Listen to me for a second. The voice said. I shook my head trying to stop hearing her.

"What is it?" Tinypaw asked me yawning. I smiled toward her and nudged her up.

"Midnightstar is just about to call a meeting. Come on so we can go get some good spots." I told her shaking my pelt out. She nodded and followed me out of the apprentice den just as Midnightstar yowled for the clan to gather under High Rock. Maplepaw soon came and joined us.

I can't listen to you right now. I'll talk later. I thought toward the shecat in my head. I heard a small hiss then I felt her vanish from beside me even if she wasn't there.

"Today we are gathered because we have eight apprentices that are becoming warriors and two kits that are becoming apprentices. Let us first start with the apprentices." Midnightstar said. I turned to Tinypaw and Maplepaw smiling brightly for the two of them. They were going to become warriors finally!

"Tinypaw, from this moment on you shall be called Tinyclaw in memory of Aquaclaw and your great abilities to fight. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar yowled. I turned to her and could see some tears pricking at her eyes. I leaned close to her and nuzzled her.

"You will be fine Tinyclaw..." I whispered to her wanting her to be happy on this day.

"Maplepaw, from this moment on you shall be called Maplesnow for your pureness. May you ever be clear headed and patient. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar yowled next. Maplesnow had a huge smile on his face and held his head up high with pride.

"Lightpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Lightstorm. May you forever fight for this clan. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar yowled next.

"Blackpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Blacklight for your ability to show others the way. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar yowled after the last one. I could tell she was trying to hurry along since she had something to say or something to do.

"Emberpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Emberbreeze for your swiftness. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar yowled. I smiled wanting to welcome all the new warriors that have already been called.

"Fuzzypaw, from this moment on you shall be called Fuzzyear. May you forever fight for this clan. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior." Midnightstar yowled taking a few breaths then continuing to the next one.

"Lightningpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Lightningstrike for your quick ability to strike your opponent. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior." I blinked my eyes. I had never really walked to Lightningstrike before even if he was a rouge he still seemed nice.

"Swirlpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Swirlpool for your ability to swim. DepthClan welcomes you as a full warrior!" Midnightstar took a moment to catch her breath and let the clan cheer the new warriors' names.

"Tinyclaw! Maplesnow! Lightstorm! Blacklight! Emberbreeze! Fuzzyear! Lightningstrike! Swirlpool!" I cheered loudly along with most of the clan. The new warriors held their heads up high as they heard the cheering.

"Now, two kits have turned six moons old. Rainkit, do you promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan even if it means your life?" Midnightstar asked one of her kits.

"I do!" Rainkit said boldly.

"Then from this moment on until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Rainpaw. Leopardtail shall be your mentor. Leopardtail, you are new warrior but I hope you teach Rainpaw all you know." Midnightstar said calmly. Leopardtail nodded and padded up to touch noses with his new apprentice.

"Riverkit, do you promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan even if it means your life?" Midnightstar asked her other kit.

"I.... I do..." Riverkit said shyly.

"Then from this moment on you shall be called Riverpaw. Your mentor will be Heartswift. I trust that she will show you all you need to know." Midnightstar said.

"Rainpaw! Riverpaw! Rainpaw! Riverpaw!" I howled with the rest of the clan for the new apprentices.


These kinds of chapters need to happen every once in a while. The next will be more fun though. Also I can start on my ships now that I have more warriors. This book will be a rollercoaster you don't want to miss. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

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