Chapter 12

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[Tinyclaw's POV]

I watched as my mother talked Bearstar off of Midnightstar. Cosmo was now badly injured. I flicked my tail. I couldn't let the shecat die. She was some of my family.

Just kill her and stop being weak! Darkfeather's harsh voice growled in my head. I flinched a little then nodded. I stepped up to the bleeding shecat that could barely move to begin with. I held my paw up and raked my claws into her neck. That should stop her from getting up again.

"SmallClan! Retreat!" Bearstar's scared yowled sounded. The warriors and few apprentices they had soon retreated from the camp and we were left with Cosmo's dead body, Midnightstar's dying body, and a lot of injured cats.

My eyes fell on Flamefur as she collapsed to the ground. My eyes widened and I quickly hurried over to her with Maplesnow and Witheredpaw following after me. Sparklight hurried over as well with Creampaw next to her.

"Move away! I need room to work on her. She is greatly injured but if I have room I can save her." Sparklight hissed at us. I nodded and stepped back.

I could feel the stinging pain on my side that I got a scratch on fighting another apprentice. My breathing was hard and I pressed up next to Maplesnow trying to steady myself. He looked concerned. He then glanced around the camp and lead me out through the dirtplace quickly so no one saw us. Witheredpaw followed after us quickly.

I kept walking until we got near the EverClan border. I sighed shifting uneasy being near this border again. It had been where Aquaclaw and I had been captured by Greystar. Even if she wasn't alive, it was still hard.

"Tinyclaw, we need to tell you something. First of all, are you okay? You know you shouldn't have fought in the battle. Your kits could have been hurt!" Maplesnow said quietly as he looked at me. I nodded lazily and sat down curling my tail around my paws.

"I know that. I had to fight or they would have thought something. Now, I have a question for you two. Did you kill Nightstorm?" I asked them staring into their eyes. Witheredpaw looked away unable to look back at me.

"Yes, we did. I found his scent around the body of Aquaclaw so I killed him. I did it for you. You needed your revenge even if you couldn't do it yourself!" Maplesnow said calmly. I blinked my eyes not wanting to believe him. He killed another cat, just because I killed Aquaclaw. Man, this is going to be a lot harder on me if anyone finds out.

"I can't believe you did that. Witheredpaw, did you help him?" I asked the black and white tom carefully. He didn't deserve to get in trouble. He was too young for all of this. He needed to live a long life in the clan. If we all got found out, none of us would. I deserved to leave the clan. I had already killed two different cats.

"I just distracted the tom. I didn't hurt him..." Witheredpaw admitted looking at the ground. I lashed my tail. He didn't understand and of this. He was too young to know.

"Then we have to keep this between each other or we will all be exiled. I've killed a cat, Maplesnow has killed a cat, and you helped him kill a cat." I said making sure I didn't slip. They couldn't know I killed Aquaclaw. Not yet at least. I might tell them later.

"I promise I won't say a word. I don't want to leave the clan. This clan is my home. I can't leave my brothers and sisters or my parents!" Witheredpaw said flicking the tip of his tail and he eyes stared at the ground.

"It's okay Witheredpaw. I'll make sure you stay in the clan even if I have to take on the whole burden. I'll make sure both of you stay in the clan and I promise that. Witheredpaw, if I get exiled you need to be the best warrior you can be for me." I purred to him. He lifted his head and his gaze fell on me. His cheeks where wet from tears.

"O-okay... I trust you." He said looking like he was going to start crying again. Maplesnow stayed quiet.

"You can't take on the whole burden. What about when they saw us? How will you explain that?" He asked blinking his eyes calmly trying his best to stay calm despite all of this.

"I'll say it was their imagination. I can do it. Trust me, Maplesnow. I won't let you two get in trouble because of my choice." I purred to both of them. Witheredpaw nodded but Maplesnow was reluctant.

"I still don't like it. How will they even find out it was us to begin with?" Maplesnow asked flicking his tail stirring up the dirt and dust.

"They could inspect the bodies or one of us could let it slip." I told him remaining calm knowing that if I were to be exiled I would only come back stronger to be the leader. That was my dream. I was going to accomplish it either way.

"Alright, then none of us can let it slip. Let's just go back to camp so our wounds don't get infected." Maplesnow said getting up. I followed after him and felt Witheredpaw coming along after me. I turned to him and smiled.

"Don't worry little one. I won't let anything bad happen to you. You two have already promised to take care of my kits in the clan if I do get exiled so you have to stay in the clan." I purred to him. He nodded slowly and stayed next to me barely speaking as we trudged back to the camp.

This will be fun. I wonder how it will all turn out. I hope there will be more war before I get exiled. I thought easily.


Yay! Another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

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