Chapter 10

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[Cosmo's POV]

I watched as my only living half-sister padded up to my leader and basically challenged him. I felt Tigerstripe next to me. All I knew is that this was not going to be good.

"Are you asking for a fight Flamefur? It seems like you are." Bearstar asked the ginger shecat as she stared into his eyes almost the same height as him. He was just barely taller.

"If that would get you out of here and stop accusing my fellow warriors then yes. I am asking for a fight against a leader because I would never accuse another clan unless I know something for certain." Flamefur said matter-of-factly. I shook my head with a small chuckle. My half-sister was something else alright.

"You will regret this Flamefur. I will give you one last chance to back down or our clans will be at war." Bearstar said and looked to Midnightstar.

"I'm with Flamefur on this. You do not storm into our camp and accuse our warriors. Now, either leave or we will fight." The black shecat said. Her tail flicked high in the air. Cheetahpelt stayed back not sure how how to stop the two shecats.

"I will not back down from a clan full of loners and kittypets." Bearstar growled and got ready to strike. Flamefur was quick. She saw him getting ready to strike and quickly raised her paw with her claws out and clawed against his cheek.

"Cosmo! Run and get backup!" One of my fellow warriors yowled to me. I nodded and looked to my half-brother before he went to fight Bearstar with Flamefur and ran out of the camp as quickly as I possibly could run.

My strides were long as I ran quickly. I dodged around trees wanting to make my journey quicker. I didn't want to fight against my family. I didn't want to fight against DepthClan. I didn't want to fight at all. None of this was going to end well. I dodged around another tree and heard the birds that stayed for the winter chirping as they flew around. Squirrels jumped from tree to tree and rabbits when to hid in their dens.

I shook my head. I have to do this. I had to help my clan. I chose to stay with SmallClan. Bearstar gave me to the choice to go and live in DepthClan with my real family but I refused. SmallClan was my family now. I could never turn my back on them. I soon got to the border and hurried over it running even quicker since I knew the territory. I had to get to the camp before Bearstar or any other warrior was badly injured.

I saw the camp entrance and burst into the camp looking around. Warriors and apprentices came out of their dens along with the deputy and medicine cat.

"DepthClan and SmallClan are fighting now. We need more warriors or we will never survive. Anyone that can fight should come." I yowled as they all looked at me. Willowglow nodded and took control from there.

"Alright, we need two warriors and two apprentices to stay here but besides them, we need everyone else to come with us. Hurry now or our clan will loose the first battle." The deputy said with boldness. I could never do that.

Soon two warriors decided to stay back along with two apprentices. My kit, Galaxy, agreeing to be one of them. The medicine cats came as well. I tried to plead with Sunleaf to let Starling stay but she refused to argue. Willowglow took control and lead the warriors and apprentices toward the DepthClan camp with me next to her.

"Thank you Willowglow. We need to hurry or they will be defeated before we even get there." I told her. She nodded and yowled back to the other warriors to quicken their pace and she hurried up. I ran along side next to her panting hard.

I hadn't run this much for a while. It was going to be hard to fight like this but I was going to make it up. I just knew that if we were even a second late that someone could be hurt or even worse killed.

The border was now behind us as we ran. It seemed as if we were making better time then when I was running back to my own camp. I could hear the yowling of the battle in the DepthClan camp.

"Split up! Half follow me, half follow Willowglow! We will ambush them from both sides so we can defeat them easier." I yowled and broke up from Willowglow. Some of the warriors followed after me but most of them stayed will the deputy. I sighed and hurried around the camp leading the warriors behind me with confidence.

We stormed into the camp and I looked around quickly trying to find Bearstar or Breezestone. I could see Bearstar defending himself from Flamefur and Midnightstar. I hissed slightly and rushed over. This was going to prove my loyalty. I got close to Midnightstar and went to jump but was tackled by three apprentice sized cats. One of them had the same eyes as my sister.

"You will never get close to them!" The shecat hissed. I could see her belly was a little plump. There was no way I could fight a pregnant warrior! She should be the in nursery resting, not out here fighting.

While I was thinking of that, the two toms next to her took the advantage and attacked me while I was down. The smaller, black and white tom claws at my left flank leaving some claw marks but not that many. The other, a black and brown tom, tried to get to my neck. It was hard to defend myself from both of them so I turned and shoved the smaller one away for the time being and focused on the bigger one. The shecat waited as if waiting for a good opportunity to attack. I was going to have to watch her.


Yay! Another one done. I have no clue what day you will read this right now, but I hope that I am getting this done before Halloween so I have to get back to writing! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

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