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(Cas's pov)

I wanted to comfort Juni but I could see she wanted space. So I walk outside and just take in the air. I breathe and sit down. I begin to close my eyes and leet the sun rays beam down onto me, covering me in a blanket of warmth... Then I here a screaming and I shoot up. I look over my shoulder and see a Flyer flying straight towards the ground at alarming speeds, they were unconscious. I fling myself forward and begin to fly, my body barely inches off the ground, I catch the Flyer and land with a thud. As I try to catch my breath I inspect the Flyer. It's a girl, not older than 12. She has a huge gash on the side of her face. A group of Flyers come over to see what happened, one Flyer rushes into the crowd. "Lizzy! Oh my gosh!" I look at the Flyer than the girl who I took as Lizzy. "You know her?" The Flyer nods and says "She's my sister, let me take her to the nurse, thank you." She says trying not to cry. I nod and gently hand her over to the other Flyer.

I get up and play back what had just happened. Did the people who hurt Juni hurt that little girl too? I keep walking. Then I see a hooded Flightless on the border of the woods, looking right at me. And I knew exactly who it was. I run, pumping my legs, I reach speeds I didn't know I could reach. The hooded Flightless turned and looked right at me. "Cas... You're Juni's friend." He smiled and said "The now and forever... Flightless." I rushed myself towards the Flightless at full force. We landed with a crash, his head smashing against the ground with a harsh jolt. He winces and stays down. I get up, tears making there way down my face..."You ruined more than her wings, you ruined her dignity, respect, love, and her life...Now, I'll do the same to you." I grabbed the Flightless by his shirt and shot upwards. He screams while squirming, trying to get out of my grasp. I looked down at him, my tears slipping down my face, while he slips from my grasp. "Give me one reason not to kill you right now." I say seeing the fright in his eyes. He smiles nervously and says "I have no reason." I scowl and look away. I drop him, I watch him fall but something doesn't seem right. I shake my head "Damn it." I shoot downwards and grab him seconds before he hits the ground. He's breath is heavy and the fright in his eyes show the true side of him. "You're lucky I did it for Juni... If'd be on the ground right now and I'd make sure you weren't standing up."

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