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(Cas's pov)

I turned around, abandoning the terrified Flightless to be alone. I flew upward and just kept flying. I felt as if that was the only thing I was capable of doing. I went back to base to find a sight that I wish wasn't real. Groups upon groups of Flyers were perishing on the floor, other Flyers trying their best to help them. "What the hell happened?" I said as I landed quickly and smoothly on the ground. A girl with a gash on her face was treating a Flyer with an open wound in his stomach. She spoke but kept her attention towards the injured "Flightless... They attacked.. But they weren't alone, several of our own kind ambushed us except they were... Different.... They had pitch black wings and their eyes were all white... They were like mutated Flyers..." She shakes her head and keeps mending the poor Flyer. I sigh and look around.

(Juni's pov)

I look out my window to see several Flyers injured and dying. Then I see Cas, my heart skips a beat, through the pain and sadness I feel joy..... I feel hope. I opened my window and jump out.. I grab onto the wall a split second before I hit the ground. I smile for a split second. I run over to him. "Juni?? Oh I'm so glad you're ok." He puts his hand on my face and I let his warmth comfort me. I nod and say "We have to do something... We can't let these bastards take over and ruin our lives..." He shakes his head and says "This fight.... It's not yours to die for." I frown and say "Every fight that puts you in the line of danger... Is always mine to fight for." I lean in and hug him, I press my head into his chest and I hear his heart beating into my ear. I hear a maniacal laugh in the distance and see at least a hundred Flightless standing several yards away...I gasped my breath going with the wind.... Then I look up and see at least a dozen mutated Flyers hovering above them. "Oh shit....." I get ready to fight, I might loose but I won't go down without a fight.

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