14. Don't Hurt Yourself

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Don't Hurt Yourself
Chapter Fourteen

June 15, 2014

Lenox  Hill Hospital was in a frenzy as they seemed to be transporting so many  people in and out of the emergency room. Bey sat there with tears  streaming down her face. She couldn't seem to register exactly what she  had done. She hadn't meant to pull the trigger. She hadn't meant to  cause him any harm, but she did. She had done her best to pull his body  from their home, to the vehicle, and all the way to the hospital. She  refused to call the police, but she should've known that the hospital  wouldn't spare her.

"Mrs. Carter?" The woman spoke softly. She  hadn't moved an inch since she'd gotten her. When they took Shawn from  her, she immediately sat down and waited. All she could do was wait.  "Mrs. Carter?"

Bey took her eyes away from the water fountain that  had seemed to captivate her attention for the longest. She looked up at  the younger black woman. She wore her police uniform proudly as she  held her notepad and pen in her hands. Bey didn't utter a word, knowing  what was next to come. She'd want to know who the man was to her. Where  did she find him? What happened? Did she know who shot him?

"Mrs. Carter, I'm Officer Brown, are you okay?"

Slowly,  Beyoncé nodded her head before clearing her throat. From the corner of  her eyes, she could see Carter entering the hospital. He looked around  before his eyes landed on her. She should have known that he would have  found out sooner than later. A Carter or Knowles being in the hospital  was never a secret in this city. "I'm fine."

"Can you tell me what happened with Mr. Carter?"

"LaTonya?"  Carter spoke up cheerfully. He looked at Bey briefly before giving the  woman his full attention. "Wow, you've gotten so grown. I see you really  stuck to your guns about becoming an officer."

LaTonya proudly beamed at the older man. "Yes, sir. I told you I wanted this really bad."

"I'm  just more happy that my influence has done you well. How's Director  Rawlings?" Hearing the name of the current police director made Bey's  ears perk up immediately. It didn't take rocket science to know that  Carter was the reason why Officer Brown was a police officer. Without  his influence, she may not have even been considered for the position.

Nervously, LaTonya laughed. "He's doing really well."

"Great!" Carter excitedly spoke. "Tell him I asked about him, will you? I see you've met my daughter-in-law."

Looking down at Beyoncé, LaTonya nodded her head. "Yes sir, but I didn't know..."

"Yeah, not many people not it yet. But could you give us a moment to talk? I see she's a little disoriented."

"Yes,  of course," LaTonya rushed out before leaving the two alone. Carter  released a gentle breath before taking a seat next to Beyoncé. He looked  around the hospital for a moment before leaning back in his seat.

"What happened?"

Bey sighed. "I don't know."

"Bullshit," Carter rebutted. "He has no enemies right now."

Her  eyes narrowed into slits. She hadn't known much about the Carters and  who their enemies were, but she was sure that Carter had a point. As of  late, Shawn hadn't gotten himself into any shit. It was Bey that had all  of the enemies. "I shot him."

"I'm aware," Carter replied nonchalantly. "Why?"

"We were arguing. I didn't mean to."

He  eyes bore into hers for a moment. He couldn't recall a moment in his  marriage where his wife pulled a gun out on him or vice versa. He  wouldn't dare put the woman that he loved in harm's way and vice versa.  Marriage was a sacred something that clearly no one had taught these  two. "Is that normal?"

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