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I don't know why they locked me up. I was just doing them all a favour. My girlfriend, she was really badly mistreated by a bunch of people. I just felt obliged to end their suffering. Haha... Suffering... that's a funny word. They made my girlfriend suffer. They clearly had to mask their own torture by hurting others. Why did I hurt them? Well isn't it obvious? I felt I had to. They started to torture the only person I cared about. Over protective? What do you mean? I care about her, but I am not over protective. Bloodshed? Lots. Why are you so interested in this? I killed you? But wouldn't that mean you shouldn't be here?


How so?

But if that is true, why are you here? Hahaha. You have got to be kidding me. That can't be true. You can't be here. I won't believe it! Haha. I remember you now. You were the first, the teacher that broke her self-esteem. So I broke your bones. How did it feel? Did it feel good to be hurt? Because the way you made her feel, it must have. Why else would you have done that? Haha. To teach her?! That's absurd. You don't torture to teach. Liar. How else would that happen? You pig. Why should I calm down? You shouldn't exist! What did you say? She left me? Why? All I wanted to do was help her... Why doesn't anyone understand that?! Why don't you just go, before I break your skull again? Wait... How are all of you still alive? That doesn't make any sense. I killed you, I killed you all. You all should be dead! Get out! You're only in my head! Out! Out! Get! Out! You can't be here! You shouldn't! I will kill you again! Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. Kill! How!? Why are you here? Didn't you leave me...? No ... But... Ok... I'm sorry... I only wanted to make you happy... I'm... I'm sorry... Please... Please don't go...please...


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