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Hi... I am sorry, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me?

Help you how?

I don't know, do something

But I cannot do anything, I am part of you, you know this, I can only do as much as you can do

So why don't you leave then? Kill your existence

It isn't that easy

Make it that easy, god dammit, I don't need you

But I make you you.

No you don't I am my own self, you don't control me, you don't know me, you don't own me

I know I don't, but I Am You.



It is anagram

For what?

You know what

Do I?



Wait, I've seen that before




Everywhere, on buildings, graffitied, what does it mean?

It means They own you, They are you

How so?

They control everything. Everyone,

What do you mean?

They know everything you do, They control your thoughts through manipulation, the biggest monopoly

We are assets?

We are not needed

Then why do They let us live?

To torture and kill

We must leave, shouldn't we?

We should, but what is the point, They will find as anyway.

How so?

They track us, it used to be through our phones, but now we have chips implanted in our skin

I remember that, I don't know how I do, I was a child,

You were born.

Okay, so we cannot escape, can't we cut it out?

If you do that it will set a kill switch

What does that mean?

It means you will die...

Oh, okay, so what the hell do we do?

We do nothing, soon our time will come, we cannot control that

But it isn't right

But it can't be stopped or controlled, just get used to it, it is better for everyone

It can't be better

It must be, otherwise why would They do it to us,

Okay, may I ask who is 'They'

You know who 'They' are, They are our leaders, all owned by one man, who owns everything, through corruption

How did that come to be?

We don't know, They erased history, changed it to suit them, Soon it will come to an end

Do They have a name?

Yes, you know the name

What is their name? Remind me

The Iron Fist


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