Fishing in a Bikini

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-Okay so you are proubaly like "what the fuck"

First things first let me explain. I like fish. Fish are cool. Im an awkward 13 yr/old so I thought I could follow some people that have nice pictures of fish on instagram. I search 'fish' in the wonderful searchbar. I find a cool page and follow then continue scrolling through usernames-FISHBRAS- I tap the usename cause im all like "what the fuck is a fishbra" It is women holding fish in bikinis. There where also some pictures of women in bikinis holding fishing poles. WHY WOULD YOU GO FISHING IN A BIKINI. like what if you where in the process of catching a huge fish then your boob falls out. Do you put the boob in the correct space or do you keep reeling in that fish. I would proubaly forget the fish and put back my boob. What if it was a new species of fish? Hmmmm? Dont want your tits falling out now do you Jackie? (sorry if your name is Jackie)

So yeah. All the girls are so called attractive but couldn't you also be attractive and fishing in like booty shorts and a camo crop-top. Like seriously. I don't understand why somebody would go fishing in a bikini. Trying to get a tan? Wanting to look hot? Gonna swim? (none of the girls looked wet/damp from swimming so) Just if anybody has an answer please provide it before my brain gets overworked.


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