Standing for sexiness

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The next day I got up and got ready.

I tied my hair up and ate my cereal, Frooty Hoops.

A horn honked out side and I went out wonder who was out side.

There was the red truck. I smiled and the window rolled down.

"Sorry I was just wondering if you want a ride?"

I grabbed my book bag and then yelled

"Your way to clingy, no way!"

He frowned and then said okay.

Right before he pulled off I laughed and then yelled just kidding. He smiled and signaled for me to come. I ran out and got in the seat.

"Do you really think i'd say that to you?"

"Some people have."

I looked out the window and watched as a drop of water fell to the glass and slid down, then another, then another. Soon the roads were damp and puddles were everywhere.

We got out and walked into school together. Our lockers where only 3 apart.

As I opened my locker a hand touch my shoulder.

"Why are you with that loser?"

"He's not a loser."

"He's the biggest nerd in school."

"No he's not he's the sweetest thing ever and really cool now leave me alone!"

He walked away and I looked at Jakes face. He must have heard everything that went on cause his face had a depressed look.

"Hey Jake?"


"Your amazing remember that."

He smiled and we began to walk the split separating to our classes.

My first period class was with that jerk and I wanted to kill myself.

I walked in and there he sat.

"Do you really think that loser is cool?"


The rest of the period all he talked about was why I shouldn't like Jake. I got so tired of it I stood up I front of him and began to yell

"Jake isn't a loser he's amazing and half the boy you will ever be so shut up!"

"And that's all hell ever be, just a boy."

Anger flooded my body I wanted to knock some sense into him but right before I did the bell rang and I walked out.

The rest of the day was a flash, and I met with Jake for lunch.

"Hey Jay!"

"Oh were making nicknames now?"


"Okay Ape."

I wanted to laugh so hard but I pretended to cry and acted like it hurt my feelings he then began

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean that I'm so sorry."

I began to laugh and he looked at me with a confused look.

"Your so gullible."

"Hahaha very funny APE."

"hey Jake?"


"Have you ever ate at the lunch room?"


"Do you want to? Tomorrow? me and you?"


"Please for me."

He hesitated and then said


The rest of the day past and Jake drove me home. I waved bye and before I went in I relized I didn't have my keys.


"whats wrong?"

"I don't have my keys."

"Wanna come over my place?"

"You sure?"


I ran to the car and got in. I texted my mom to call me when she's home.

He started driving and I figured out he only lived 7-8 blocks away from me. we pulled into his driveway and went in his house.

"Welcome to my humble home."

"Humble?" I mumbled under my breath. I couldn't close my mouth the house was huge and beautiful.

"Hey uh Jake?"


"who decorated this house?"

"My mom."

"Can I meet her she's a amazing decor person?"

"My mom passed away when I was 6."

"O-oh my god I'm so sorry Jake. I-i didn't mean to. I just..."

"Its okay."

He then grabbed my hand and showed me around the house.

We both sat on the couch and he flicked through the channels.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't care."

He put on a channel that was having a special for Christmas, being that it was only a week and a half away.

I cuddled up in the corner and he sat on the other side.

I found it cute that he sung the grinch song.

I soon fell asleep but not for to long. when I woke up Jake wasn't there.

I got up and called for him and still no reply. when I got to the top of the stairs I heard a shower stop running.


I walked to the entrance of his room and there he was.

He had the body of no nerd and him with out glasses was just a dream.

"Oh hey sleepy head."

i was stunned so it made it hard to talk.

"H-he-hey." I stuttered.

"How was your nap?"


He slid a white v-neck over his head and guided me down stairs.

We sat on the stools at the island table which was in between the kitchen and dining room.

He handed me a cup of juice and my phone started vibrating.

My moms face popped up on the screen and I answered.


"I'm home"


I hung up and informed Jake my mom was home.

"Okay I'll drive you."


We got in the car and he drove me home.

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