Bad boy change party

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The next day came and that morning when he picked me up it was like nothing happened last night.

I brung up the topic but he just talked it off like it was nothing. wow he was a confident little cookie.

We got out the car and I waited for him to come around. something grabbed me from the hand and spun me. It was Jake. He leaned in close and closed his eyes. I backed away and pushed him away. Not like I didn't want him, I was just confused. Were we a thing? Is there even a thing? what happened? I froze and embarrassment flushed his face.

"I-im so so sorry. I thought we were together from last night and-"

He stopped talking and hit his head a couple times repeatedly saying stupid.

I wasn't sure about my next move but it was worth a try. I grabbed his chin and faced him toward me. I quickly leaned in and our lips began to touch.

I felt like we were the only ones in the world. I liked this. It should happen more often. we pulled away and he smiled. he grabbed my hand and we walked into school. I made my way to my locker then quickly to first period which I had miss 1 or 2 minutes of.

I walked in and everyone stared.

They must have knew what happened because unlike the other times I been late, whispers were going around the room

"She's the one-"

"She kissed Jake cross"

"That's jakes girl"

"She's way to pretty for him."

"The nerd?"

A bunch of rude and embarrassing voices mocked me.

"Ms.Joyce why are you late?"

Uh what should I say. a light went off in my head. I'm a cool kid. Use the excuse the girls did.

"Sorry I had things to do."

Everyone laughed and I felt powerful.

I liked it.

The rest of my classes I was late and used my wise ass excuses.

"Sorry tech I had places to be."

"Sorry I was busy doing something else."

"I just didn't want to come."

It's like I grew more powerful off this. I felt I could do anything and I grew so much in that one day.

Later at lunch I was scared to tell everyone I was with Jake but that confidence just pushed it out. everyone was starring at me. Did I just tell them?

Then Candace finally spoke.

"That's great."

"It is?"

"If your happy I'm happy."

We smiled and we laughed and talked.

Later that day I began walking home because Jake had went home early to remove his braces.

I heard my name yelled and looked back to see Candace.

"Hey Candace."

"Hey um I was wondering wanna come to my sleepover tomorrow?"


"I'll text you my address."

"Kay bye."

I was happy I finally had weekend plans and it will make up for my time this week where I'll be sitting home bored for Christmas break.

I finally made it home and unlocked the door when I opened it, there sat suitcases and my family well... my brother, sister and mom.

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