I Don't Deserve Your Love

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(Scott POV)

"Don't leave me," I wailed, clutching Mitch to my chest who held Lily in his arms.

Mitch giggled but snuggled in closer to me. "It's just a few days, babe. You'll be fine without us."

"I'll be so lonely without you." I turned my attention to Lily who was quietly watching my dramatic display with an amused smile on her face. "You don't want to leave daddy, do you, princess?"

"Scott!" Mitch slapped my arm gently and pushed himself away. "Don't confuse her. Now she won't want to leave!"

"Daddy!!" Lily leaned forward making Mitch adjust his hold on her so she wouldn't topple over. She wiggled her hands in my direction and it was my automatic response to take her from him.

"Look what you've done," Mitch sighed but the hint of hidden smile showed me he wasn't actually mad.

"She just loves her daddy," I beamed.

"She's not the only one," Mitch muttered under his breath.

"I love you, too, sweetheart." I headed to the car to strap Lily into her seat before turning my attention back to Mitch. "I really am going to miss you, is that sad?"

Mitch smiled softly, wrapping his arms around my waist as my own settled on his lower back. "Maybe but I'm going to miss you, too. We're literally so gross."

I chuckled before kissing him gently. "Text me when you get there. Goodbye, love."

"Bye, babe. Love you."

"I love you, too."

"Say bye to daddy, Lily."

"Bye daddy!!" She waved her little hand frantically at me through the window. I blew her a kiss which she sloppily returned, not quite having the action down yet.

"Bye, Lilybug. I love you!"

"I luh you, daddy!"

Then they were gone. Mitch was taking Lily to Palm Springs for the weekend with his family but I had to stay here. I wanted to be with my family but a part of me was glad I didn't have to spend that amount of time with the Grassi's. Don't get me wrong, they were great and I loved them like they were my own family but there is such a thing as too much family time and anything longer than a day was too much with them.

Work kept me busy for the few days they were away which was good because otherwise I would be constantly moping about, stuck in a ridiculous state of missing them.  I already missed Lily not jumping on me and slapping my face to wake me up in the morning and coffee kisses with Mitch as he said goodbye when I headed to work.  It was the little things but they were the best moments in my opinion, the ones you take for granted often are.  Every night I phoned Mitch to talk to my babies and as sad it was, it was the highlight of my day.

"Hi, baby."

"Hey, babe.  How was your day?" 

"Same old, same old.  Missing you though and Lilybug.  How are my favourite girls doing?"

"Oh, we're fabulous.  I must admit though, we're more than ready to come home.  There's only so many times I can listen to Uncle Tom tell the fried chicken story," Mitch huffed.

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