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This is a short, unimportant chapter bc I just need to update something on this book (it's been 5 freakin' months!!!!) Honestly not even sure how good this is but I just need to put something out to get back into the swing of things so thank you for being patient while I attempt to get there :)

If someone had told him a month ago how unbelievably stressed he would be over an elementary school show, he would've laughed in their face. But this was no laughing matter. He had three costumes to mend, five cardboard snowflakes to cut out and cover in a shit load of glitter, and a mountain of fake snow taking up the entire trunk of his car that he had only three hours to get over to the school. And that didn't even include getting his own child dressed and ready for the performance. Being a parent was no joke.

"Papa, can you do my hair all fancy?" Lily asked as she hovered over Mitch's shoulder when he was bent over one of the angels' dresses that had somehow already been ripped just from the dress rehearsal.

"Yeah, in a minute, Lil."

Nothing was cooperating with him. The thread didn't want to go through the needle then the needle didn't want to go through the material then Mitch just didn't want to go through with any of this at all. He mostly just wanted to curl up in a dark room with a very large glass of wine.

"And can you put sparklies in it?"

"Yeah, just let me finish here first."

What is wrong with this fucking needle?! It certainly felt sharp enough every time it jabbed him in the finger.

"And can I use the fancy clips?"

"Please, Lily. Let me fix this before I worry about anything else."

He took a deep breath and rolled his neck, exhaling loudly. He could do this. He was a grown ass adult who had been raising a child mostly alone for the past three years, he wasn't going to be defeated by a fucking sewing needle.

"Can I put my costume on now?"

"Not yet, let me do your hair first."

At fucking last! The needle was finally through and he was stitching up the 2cm hole with ease.  Mitch smiled gently, feeling entirely ridiculous at the joy he felt over this, but victory was his.

"Okay... so can you do my hair?"

Taking a grounding breath, he turned his body to face his daughter who was bouncing on the balls of her feet, intently watching him.

"Lily. I'm very busy trying to get everything done right now so why don't you go through to the living room and practice your part for the show?"

He loved his daughter dearly, he really did, wouldn't change a single thing about her, but unfortunately, she had the same enthusiasm as her other dad. When she was excited about something, there was absolutely no slowing her down.

"Oh, that's a great idea, papa!" Lily gasped, smiling wide. "I don't wanna mess up on stage, that would be bad."

"Right, so you go practice practice practice and I'll shout you when I'm ready for you, alright?"


Just as Lily was about to turn and dash away, Mitch reached out to pull her into his arms, her back ending up pressed against his chest.

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