PS I Love You

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Mitch had woken alone, sore and hungover from the previous night's antics. Scott had disappeared hours ago, not long after the sun had risen but that wasn't unusual. Scott often had to get up for work early. He was new to the company and his boss was taking advantage of his nice nature and inability to say no but if he wanted to get anywhere in that job, he had to give into every ridiculous request sent his way.

Mitch was proud of him for being passionate and constantly wanting to seek the most out of his life but these lonely mornings made him want Scott to give up his job entirely and run off to the mountains with him where they would grow old in absolute solitude. They were only fleeting thoughts that were quickly brushed away when Scott would come home to their shared apartment with a childlike enthusiasm because his boss had actually acknowledged all of his hard work. If Scott was happy, he was happy.

This morning when he woke, though, something was different. There was a note and a single red rose laying next to him where Scott would usually be. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and heaved himself up to lean against the headboard, trying to clear his sleep clouded brain enough to read the paper in his hands.

Good morning, love, I hope you slept well. I'm sorry I'm not there to kiss you awake, I know how much you love that so to make up for it, I've set up a special day for you. First on the agenda: shopping. I've recruited Kirstin to take you because I know you don't like dealing with malls by yourself, she'll be there at 11am so be ready (and don't worry, she's bringing your Starbucks). Pick yourself out the prettiest outfit you can find, this includes shoes and a bag, go absolutely crazy. My wallet's on the counter. If it makes you feel better about spending my money, consider it a Christmas present. I've known you for 2 years and still don't know what the perfect gift for you is so you'll be really helping me out.

PS I love you.

How did he ever get so lucky? He tried to hide his disappointment at Scott's crazy work hours because he didn't want his boyfriend feeling guilty about it but he should've known Scott saw right through him. After all, no one knew Mitch better than Scott did, and that included Mitch himself.


It only took Mitch an hour to find a complete outfit. As it turns out, when someone gives him money and free reign to buy anything he wants,  everything he sees looks incredible. Kirstin was great help, if saying "you need to try this on!" and "oh, that looks amazing on you!" counted as helping. Maybe she was more of a hindrance than actual help.

"So I'm not just here to help you pick clothes you don't really need, I'm also here to give you this," Kirstin said as she handed over a white envelope with 'Mitch' written across the front in familiar, loopy handwriting.

"What's this?" Mitch raised a brow and turned the envelope over in his hands.

"Open it and find out."

By now you'll have picked the perfect outfit and even though I haven't seen it, I know you'll look positively ravishing in it... and even better out of it. I have the mental and physical images to prove it. (Yes, I did take pictures of you naked once when you were asleep but it wasn't anything weird, you just looked really beautiful).

Anyway, your day isn't over. There's a lunch reservation waiting for you at your favourite restaurant. It's under Hoying. You and Kirstin are going to enjoy a delicious meal and then you'll get your next note.

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