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This is pointless and has no direction or plot whatsoever but I wanted to post something bc it's been way too long.  It's almost 4000 words which is a lot longer than I thought it would've been so there you go.

"How long do you think we have?"

Scott pulled his lips away from Mitch's neck where they had been doing some of their best work just a moment before.  Mitch grinned up at him lazily, sleep still clawing at his consciousness.

"What time is it?" He croaked, his usual high, melodic voice not awake yet.

"Just after 7."

"We'll be fine for a while with Lily but Avia should be awake any minute now."

Scott smirked, a wicked glint in his eye.  "How much do you want to bet I could get you off before she wakes up?"

Mitch raised an eyebrow at the challenge. "You must think pretty highly of yourself, Hoying."

"I just know you very well, love. I know what makes you tick," he whispered as he trailed his hand tantalisingly slow down Mitch's stomach, leaving goosebumps in its wake. "I know what to do to get you off the quickest. I know that this," he latched his lips onto one of Mitch's nipples before pulling away, "is a weakness of yours. And I know how much you love it when I kiss your neck." Scott proceeded to mark Mitch's neck once again as his hand just barely dipped under the waistband of purple boxers before pulling it back out.

"Mhmm and what else?" Mitch moaned, back arching up as his head fell to the side to give Scott more access.

"I know you love when I go so slow until you can't wait any longer and then take you hard and fast." His breath hot against the wet skin of Mitch's neck causing the brunette to gasp. Scott took that opportunity to cover Mitch's mouth with his own, using his tongue to explore the mouth he knew all too well.

"S-Scott," Mitch stuttered bringing a hand up to run through Scott's bed head. The blonde took the hint and freed Mitch's cock from the restricting material. "Scott... hurry, please."

Mitch knew it wouldn't be long before Avia was calling on them and he wanted to make sure he got to finish before that happened. Scott, not wanting to lose the challenge, wrapped his hand around Mitch's rock hard member, tight and firm, just the way Mitch liked it.

He kept his hand going at a steady pace as he slid his body down between Mitch's legs.  "You like when I kiss your thighs and leave pretty little love bites all over them so when you see them, you remember you're mine."

With his hand still keeping its rhythm, he placed his lips on the inside of Mitch's left thigh, biting and sucking before comforting the skin with his tongue and a gentle kiss.  Mitch loved the feeling of Scott's scruff scratching along his skin as he moved up one thigh and down the other.  If he hadn't shaved his legs, he was sure the hair would be standing up straight as shivers shot through his entire body. 

Scott was still stuck in the slow phase but Mitch was now starting to writhe underneath him, his hand tapping a blonde head repeatedly as a sign to hurry the fuck up.  Scott's free hand snaked up Mitch's body, head not leaving its place on a warm, smooth thigh.  Mitch automatically laced his fingers between Scott's.  Just like Scott knew everything about Mitch, Mitch knew everything about his blonde.  Scott loved to be dominate and a bit rough but his little puppy heart thrived on affection and the more delicate parts of sex.  It was commonplace for Mitch to come squeezing Scott's hand and secretly, the brunette loved it just as much him.

"And I know you love to look at me as you come."  Scott's voice and his breath so close to Mitch's aching cock almost made Mitch come right there and then.  "Open your eyes, babe.  Look at me."

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