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(Mitch POV)

Our baby wasn't such a baby anymore, she was turning 1 today.  I couldn't believe it had been a whole year since I first held her in my arms, terrified I was going to fuck up but here she was, happy and healthy.  Scott always believed in me and I'm not sure where I would be if he hadn't been there to hold me up in my more manic moments but I was starting to believe maybe I wasn't as horrible at this as I thought.  Lily was thriving and coming on leaps and bounds and I was proud.  Proud of her and proud of myself.  Sure, there was the time I had forgotten her diaper bag when we went out and I had to fashion a diaper out of the scarf I was wearing.  And the time when she was just learning how to walk and I pushed her over so Scott could witness her first steps as well.  And the time I left her sitting in her car seat on the couch and only realised when I was halfway down the street.  I wasn't perfect but Lily was a lovely little girl who always had a smile on her face - except when she was hungry, she definitely took her hunger anger from her daddy - so that was a win in my book.

"Babe, put the baby down and come help me," I snapped at my husband who was too busy making funny faces at our daughter to notice me struggling with the birthday banner I was putting up. "Remind me again why I'm doing all the decorating when you're 100ft tall?"

"Because you know if I were to do it, you'd just come in and tell me it was all wrong," Scott retorted.

I opened my mouth to object but realised he had a point. "Yeah, well that doesn't mean you can't help."

Scott put Lily down on the floor before making his way over to me. He stepped behind me so I could feel his chest against my back and took the banner from my outreached hand. He shifted even closer, pinning me against the wall with his body. I gasped, turning my head to the side to look at him. He wasn't looking at me but had the biggest smirk on his face.

"So where do you want this?" He spoke soft and sultry, his hot breath just skirting by ear.

I was a thirsty girl and this closeness was enough to get my blood pumping. With a 1 year old about it was hard to find any alone time - when we weren't dead on our feet - so Scott and I's sex life was horribly infrequent. I had to make do with what I could get and right now, pressed up against the wall with my husband all around me, attacking all my senses, that was probably the best I was going to get today.

"You okay, Mitchy?" he teased.

"Oh, fuck off, Hoying," I snapped back, sliding out to stand beside him instead. The last thing I needed was a raging boner when a bunch of children would be invading the currently half decorated house in 30 minutes.

"You swore. That's a token for me," he beamed. Lily wasn't at the stage of complete coherency yet so we didn't have to worry about our foul language just now but we figured it would be good to start censoring ourselves anyway. Scott came up with the idea of tokens. It meant whoever swore gave the other a token that gave them the opportunity to make the swearer do whatever they wanted. It started off with Scott making me cook his favourite meal and serve it to him like he was in a restaurant. But with our lack of sex, it soon became sexual favours that the tokens granted. We had so much pent up frustration and raging desires that this meant we could whatever we wanted in the bedroom. I was the worst for minding my language so Scott was a very satisfied boy. "Also, it's Grassi-Hoying."

I groaned but made my way to the kitchen where Scott's handmade tokens were held in a cookie jar. I didn't think there needed to be actual physical tokens but Scott moaned that I would try to worm my way out of it if he didn't have proof. He had a point. Being someone's skivvy did not appeal to me in the slightest. But being at someone's complete control in the bedroom? That I could get on board with. "Yeah and don't you forget it!" I yelled back.

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