Chapter 9 - Friend...

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George's POV


Today I'm back from my family reunion at Birmingham and now I'm coming to Blake's. Reece is also gonna be there. I'm going to give them the best news ever! I was having a really good talk with Brad when I was there. We're going some place that we will love to be!

I arrived at Blake's and press the bell. His mom answers the door. She let me in and told me that Blake is in his room. Reece isn't here yet. And I make my way to Blake's room.

As I get closer, I can hear Blake's voice from his room. He is singing with his guitar, but I have never heard him singing this emotional before.

His voice's getting clearer and clearer as I get even closer.

"We just lay awake,
But tell me now is that just one big,
Stupid mistake.
Cause I can't get you off my mind,
I'm drifting day to day,
I just lay awake,
No I can't sleep."

I don't know if I should make my way into the room or just wait and give him a little more time..

"I close my eyes..
And you are here..

With me..

Oh God.."

Aye what's up with him?
Maybe this is the right time for me to come in..

"Aye mate.."
"Oh, George you're here"
"Yeah I just arrived second ago" I lied.
"Great, Reece?"
"You okay?"
"Not really"
"Any reason you wanna give me?"

He's just staring at me for a few seconds..
Then he starts to open his mouth..

"George, I'm so confuse.."

Sasa's POV

Today's been a great day beside my few emotional days.. Today I actually can forget about him for a bit..

Michelle, Feby, and I are in a really cozy chair while we're planning on starting to make the scene idea of our new video..

We started to get hungry and decided to go for ice cream. We started to get excited when we talk about these ice creams we want to buy.. We jumped from our cozy spots head to take our jacket..

Michelle and feby started the motorcycle and I went to get some money and my helmet. I get on Michelle motorbike, then she hits the gas. Feby is leading ahead of us and we're following behind her.

While we're still on the road, Michelle suddenly started a conversation between us.

M: last night, I had a big argument with Reece
S: what?

I can barely hear her, so I'm not sure I heard the right sentence.

She had a fight with Reece?

M: yeah, I don't know..
S: what caused it?
M: we were just talking about some stuff.. When we suddenly talked about something more serious than things we usually talk.

I don't give any answer but she knows I am listening.

M: I asked him about... how's his feeling.
S: huh?
M: he didn't really want to talk about it but Ya know.. My curious problem.
S: so he is mad?
M: not really, I'm mad.
S: oh....

By the time we finished our.. awkward conversation. We were arrived and parked the motorbike. I hop off, and make my way to Feby who already standing in front of the ice cream counter.

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