Tribute Parade

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It's been a couple of days since we told Effie and Haymitch about the baby. Haymitch has been trying to offer support, but I know he is struggling with the news, especially knowing what is about to happen in a couple of weeks. Yesterday morning, Peeta found him drunk again, we both knew that sober Haymitch would only last so long. I haven't seen Effie since Peeta told her the news, she talked to him for a few hours, but he hasn't told me much about their conversation besides that she was upset and concerned. I know she feels awful that Peeta is going back into the arena, but I know she is relieved that it isn't Haymitch. We arrived in the capital a few hours ago and now it's time to start preparing for the tribute parade. I know I'm going to have to tell Cinna when I see him, especially if I want to keep this pregnancy hidden from Snow.

I glance at my stomach in the mirror, it's possible that it has gotten bigger, even just within the last couple of days, but I also didn't try to hide the bump while we were on the train either. Haymitch and Effie knew about the pregnancy, so there was no use in covering it up. I know Peeta enjoys being able to see it throughout the day too, he smiles every time he looks at me and it's visible. I know he is happy that I'm carrying his baby and I know he will be a good dad, that's why I have to make sure him and our baby survive these games, no matter what. I pull my shirt down, glad to see that it is still baggy enough to cover me. I walk out of the bathroom, Peeta is waiting for me, ready to go meet with his prep team for tonight. He places his hands on my stomach and whispers words that I'm unable to hear. He kisses me, pulling me as closely as he can. He takes my hand and runs his thumb over my palm. He is one of the few people that know this helps calm me.

"Have you thought about making an appointment with a doctor?"

"Not yet," I don't like lying to him about this, but I promised I would think about it. Truthfully, I did think about it, but he still won't like my answer.

"You know we don't have much time," He lifts my face to look at him, "Are you going to tell Cinna?"

"I think I have to." He doesn't push the issue and nods to my response. He kisses me again and pulls away, heading out the door.

"I will see you in a few hours."

He walks out of the room, the door sliding shut behind him. I follow behind him, walking down the opposite end of the hall, toward the female district twelve prep team room. As soon as I open the door, Cinna's arms embrace me. He pulls back and looks at me, observing what he is working with. He disappears through a door and returns holding a garment bag. He places it on one of the hooks in the room and unzips the bag. Inside is a tight, form fitting black dress. There is a small slit in the dress around the breast area, forming a flattering neckline to reveal just enough cleavage. I force a smile and walk to the dress, admiring it. It is beautiful, one of Cinna's many masterpieces, but I know that I'm unable to wear it. I run my fingers over the gown, feeling elastic on the sides near the abdomen area. I notice the fabric overlays in this area as well. He has added fabric and elastic to this gown to ensure it fits.

"How did you know," I turn back to face him, tears flowing from my eyes. I won't miss the pregnancy hormones.

"You're my girl on fire, I noticed the simple things that most of Panem doesn't see. The wedding gowns that we brought for you to try on were getting progressively tighter. Peeta was around more, the dynamic between the two of you was different. Your handsome cousin," he winks at me as he says this, "was noticeably upset by something. Then when I started looking, I noticed the morning sickness and the swelling, the smell aversions. Also, the walls in the victor houses are very thin. We are going to make you radiant like the sun, emphasize the glow that you've recently gotten and keep that bump hidden from Snow."

He smiles at me, there is nothing I can say to him in response to what he has just said. Instead, I allow him to give me another comforting hug and relax against him. He will ensure Snow can't tell until I'm ready for him to. He gives me a few minutes to pull myself together and my prep team begins with the hair and makeup. Once they are finished, it is time to put on the gown. Cinna helps me into it and zips it up in the back, leading me to a mirror to see how it looks. The gown is stunning on, it is tight fitting in the chest, but hangs and lays over the stomach in layers, flowing freely so it doesn't give away anything. My head piece matches the gown, and my hair is fixed into flowing waves to match the flowing pattern of my gown. He leads me to remake center, where the chariots are waiting. He looks at me as we approach the rest of the tributes.

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