Private Sessions

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I wake up to an empty, cold bed on Peeta's side. Turning to look at the clock I realize what time it is, I'm supposed to be in a training session right now. I get out of bed quickly, a wave of nausea washing over me. I sit back on the edge of the bed, the events of yesterday replay in my mind. I'm having a baby girl. I take a deep breath to steady myself, not wanting to get sick again. I stand up slower this time and make my way into the lounge. Effie and Haymitch are on the couch, some program on the TV. Her head rests against his shoulder. I feel like I'm interrupting something. I turn to leave, but Haymitch glances back at me, standing and walking over to me.

"Good morning sweetheart. Was beginning to wonder when you would get up. You're breakfast is at the table, go eat."

"Where's Peeta?"

"He's training. Go eat." I can't believe that Peeta didn't wake me, and that he left without me.

"I have to go. I didn't realize I overslept. Peeta usually will wake me up. Snow is already going to wonder where..."

"Snow knows where you are Katniss. You're not going to any training sessions, except your private session."

"How could you?! You told him?" I yell at him, starting toward him. How could be betray me like this?

"No, but why don't you yell a little bit louder sweetheart, I don't think all of Panem heard you," He grabs my arm and leads me back to my room, out of earshot of anyone on our floor. "I didn't tell him anything besides that you sprained your ankle badly enough to need crutches so you wouldn't be able to attend the sessions. I told him you would go to your private session, but that would be it. We need you to heal before the games. I don't know if he believed us, but he didn't push the issue, so for now, it is taken care of."

"Thank you," he pulls me into a hug, knowing that I needed the reassurance. "What about Peeta?"

"He will go to all sessions, and he will attempt to make allies. I am also working with some of the other mentors. You will mostly be staying on this floor, resting. I had the doctor draw up some fake records, but he made sure to tell me that you need to rest and take that medication, so that hopefully you won't have any complications with a delivery before or during the games."

I nod, agreeing to what he is asking of me. He leads me back out to the dining room and I sit, looking over what has been prepared for breakfast. Eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice. I begin to eat, hoping this time will pass quickly. I don't like just sitting around, especially not while Peeta is in the training sessions, observing the tributes and making allies for us. I would rather pick my allies for myself; he doesn't exactly have an amazing tract record of allies. Of course, I don't say this to Haymitch, I don't want to hear about how he went with the careers to protect me again. After I finish my meal, I go back to my room to lay down. These next few days promise to be boring. Peeta will be in the training sessions, and I'll be confined to this floor of the tribute center.

The next four days pass by just as I thought, boring and full no excitement. Peeta wakes me up the morning of our private sessions. I groan as I turn away from him, I had gotten used to the extra sleep the last few days. He scoots closer to me and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. Today we have the private training sessions, and our scores will be released tonight. Tomorrow, before the interviews, we are supposed to go to the doctor to check on our baby and talk about delivery. It all seems so close now, in just a couple of days, we will be back in the arena. Peeta eventually is able to convivence me to leave the bed. We get dressed in silence, eat our breakfast, and walk to the elevator. He hasn't said anything to be since we left our room. As the elevator descends, I'm thankful that he reaches for my hand.

"Katniss," the sound of his voice makes me look up at him, "No matter what happens in here today, I love you."

"I love you too," something that he meant by that didn't sound promising, "Who are our allies?"

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