Act 4: Her Remembrance

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Hanging on to your last bit of hope, you decided to retrace your steps. Hopefully, by doing so, you would be able to find what you'd seemingly lost due to your slight negligence towards more important matters. You walked back all the way towards the hotel, and eventually, you found yourself speaking with the now well-know worker of the premises.

He greeted you with a smile, whereas you could only force half of yours. Thinking that you'd have to use your saved expenses, travel back home, and face your boss-- while afterwards performing a walk of shame, didn't make you feel so good about things. Forming a brand new life here, ignoring your boss's calls, and hiding just because of your fears wasn't encouraging either. Noticing your rather odd composure, he decided to ask over your well-being.

"Is everything alright, ma'am?" he questioned, as he offered you a rather sympathetic smile. "You seem a bit troubled."

"Uh, yeah. . ." you mumbled, as you glanced a worried look back at the ocean. "I'm okay. . . I kinda just lost something."

"Oh?" he spoke, seemingly remembering something important. "What exactly are you searching for? I've found a few stranded items while cleaning up the rooms today."

"It's a stack of white and yellow papers, if I'm not mistaken."

"Hmm. . . I'll have a look at the lost and found cart." he stated, with a nod. "You can take a look and, hopefully, you'll find what you've lost."

"Thank you, sir!"

With those last words on your part, he ventured off in search for the lost-and-found cart. You, deciding it would be of no use to continue stressing over a problem with no visible solution (at the given moment), took a seat on one of the benches set below the small, outdoor carp of the hotel. You took in the whole area that surrounded you, from the beach to the nearby seagulls which were nibbling on some fry bits. As you did, you took out the small sketchbook from your bag, and started sketching the scenery before you. 

You became lost in the small world which you were creating, and it wasn't until you felt a soft tap over your shoulder that you realized there was a presence next to you. Looking up from your sitting position, you could see the worker-- of which you still hadn't captured his name well, and a large cloth cart in front of him. 

"Here it is, ma'am." he offered, as he gently pushed the cart closer towards you.

In response to his words, you nodded and muttered a quick thank you. You were quite eager to search through the cart, and were now solely focused on such. Getting up, you stood in front of the cart, and began to carefully inspect through all the items. Your eyes skimmed through common items-- such as toys, hairpins, and pens. After much searching through, your eyes gained a spark, as you read 'passport information' over a particular stack of papers.

Immediately, you took the papers in your now trembling hands, and let out out a small gasp, once noticing these were in fact the papers you thought were as good as vanished.

Unable to hold back your joy, you gave the hotel worker a quick, yet strong hug. You weren't as unfortunate as you thought you were, and you were grateful for having such a lovely worker to lend you a hand. 

Not only had he given you free coffee and spoken to you about certain matters, but he'd also saved you for what could've been the greatest disappointment of all your years of living.

"Thank you, sir!" you exclaimed, as you offered him one of your brightest smiles. "You've practically saved my job!"

"It's nothing, ma'am. I'm just doing my job."

"You're doing it well, then." you complimented, with an assuring nod.

After the momentary conflict was solved, he headed back inside the hotel, whilst you sat back again on the bench. As you did, you observed how a young, curly-haired boy talked energetically with a darker-skinned girl, who carried what seemed to be a colored drawing on her small hands. The boy was gushing about just how beautiful the sketch was, and how he had to find the owner of it, whereas the girl told him about how she'd found the drawing, and how she desired to know more of the person who drew it. 

Noticing the rather strange conversation, you looked up from drawing the scenery where the two children stood by, and glanced a look at them with curious eyes. You found it interesting that there was another artist close by, and you, as well, wanted to meet them. As you snapped away from your observation, however, the two children looked over towards where you were seated at. The young girl, noticing your drawing pad and pencil, thought it would be fruitful if she went over towards your side. 

"Excuse me, ma'am." she spoke, as she offered a smile, and tried her best to not peak at your sketches. "Does this drawing belong to you?" she questioned, while gently placing the paper over your free hand.

As soon as you viewed the paper placed in front of your eyes, you felt as if every ounce of blood drained away from your body. The empty feeling your bag carried was due to those particular drawings you'd lost.

You thought what was missing were the papers which contained both your job and availability to return home, yet what you'd lost were the stray, ripped off papers from your sketchbook-- in which you had drawn a few people who'd made an impact on you ever since you stepped foot on Beach City.

A short and blond sailor, his son, the worker from the hotel, and a young boy with tanned skin and oddly-shaped hair were some drawings you wished would've been discovered. Yet, what had to be found was the drawing of the woman you met at the beach. Noticing said woman standing close by made you regret your drawing decisions even more, and now, you began to make a mental note of never drawing people again-- without their permission, that is.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The built, oddly calm woman chuckled, as she placed a hand over your shoulder. She, unlike you, was happy that such a drawing was found by the hands of the two children. She assured you it was of no shame, though you couldn't help the awkward feeling such an event brought.

"Pearl's mood has changed a lot since yesterday night, and I appreciate you thinking so positively about her." Garnet spoke again, as she made herself comfortable on the bench.

The two of you stood seated, she with her calm posture, whereas you were shifting on your seat. She was watching the children walk around the beach. The pair were currently being looked after by Pearl. Steven and Connie-- as you could remember from her words, had reluctantly left you alone, seeing as Garnet wanted to have some private small talk with you.

Garnet had been waiting for the children to finish with their matters, though once she caught sight of your blue streaks, her plans changed. She wanted to see by herself who was the 'mysterious' woman Pearl had encountered at the beach.

"She's been a bit down ever since. . . a new member arrived to our home." she explained, referring to a certain incident between the young boy, and a short, purple friend of hers. "Why don't you strike up a conversation with her? I'm sure she'll appreciate the company."

"Well. . ." you mumbled, as you thought through her words. "I. . . I guess I could spend some time with her."

"Great." she suddenly replied, as she placed a hand over your shoulder, and made you face her gaze.

Noticing she carried something in her mind, you patiently waited for her to speak up.

"Go to this place tomorrow in the afternoon." she explained, whilst handing you over what appeared to be a business card for a car wash. "I'll tell her to be there too."

With that final, somewhat strange statement, she left off towards the children, thus leaving you with many questions in your mind, and without being able to answer a single one of them.

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