Act 10: Her Farewell

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After a few more minutes of waiting, what Peridot had told you to stay here for finally arrived. The one who called your name was one of the reasons why she had made you wait. Amethyst, who'd been the one to shout your name, was now walking towards you with the company of six more people. She urged for them to hurry with their steps, whilst Peridot grabbed your attention once more by speaking up.

"I made invitations for everyone to gather here!" Peridot explained, placing both of her hands over her hips, in what appeared to be pride. "With some. . . research, I was able to speak with everyone that you've become acquainted with here."

The green-haired lady took a short pause, as she glanced a look back at all the people that'd gathered at the beach's border. They were all smiling happily at the scene displayed before them; they waited for Peridot to finish with her eager explanations.

"They all agreed on gathering at this beach after I told them when you would be returning back to your home." She took another pause, this time permitting for a warm smile to appear over her face. "I. . . figured you'd appreciate their company!"

The friendly group of people now stood in front of you, whereas you took a quick glance behind you. With the time you'd spent in wait for their arrival, the hours you had remaining flew by, and your transportation had finally arrived. Your boat ride back home was to leave in just forty minutes, yet you were halted by them, for they desired to give you one last goodbye.

Greg and his son decided to wave their goodbyes at you, whereas the well-known hotel guy gave you a quick, yet amiable hug in response to your departure. Peridot, Amethyst, and Lazuli were smiling towards you in an encouraging manner, with Garnet standing close to their side.

The afro-haired woman seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, which led for her to not take notice of the farewells everyone was directing at you.

After exchanging a few words and well wishes with the crowd in front of you, your attention was brought to the boat's horn ringing in your ears. It had blown twice, signaling that it was soon to take its leave. Taking notice of this, the last one to take action over your leave was Pearl, as she began to take small steps closer towards you.

She had a strange smile visible over her pale features, and her eyes were glazed with worry. It was as if she feared this would be an eternal goodbye— as if things wouldn't result in your favor once you returned back home.

"Please, do take care on your way home, (Y/N)." Pearl began, as she placed a hand over your shoulder with caution. "It's been a pleasure to spend time with you. . . and I strongly hope that this isn't out last goodbye."

"Thank you. . ." You mumbled, unable to make any more words depart from your lips.

You stood staring at her in silence, whilst your gaze slowly shifted back towards the group of people standing behind her. They were looking at the scene before them with hopeful, somewhat expectant eyes, which caused for a smile to appear over your face.

You didn't think it was possible to meet with this many people in just five days of your visit here, and that you would become acquainted with them this much.

As you were about to speak up again, the woman in front of you pulled you into a sudden hug. Her left hand slowly made its to your lower back, while the other one held onto the back of your neck. Her chin rested calmly over the top of your hair, due to her surprising height, and you soon found yourself frozen in place.

Her hug lasted a few long seconds, until you were finally able to return the embrace she'd given you. Unlike her hold, yours was completely hesitant, and if it weren't for your hair tickling at her arms, she wouldn't have noticed your proximity. Your touch was gentle— too gentle, in fact.

After you both let each other free from the hug, you faced one another. Her eyes and smile were filled with warmth, whereas your eyes were as big as the moon, and your cheeks carried a strong shade of crimson painted over them.

You hadn't expected for her to take such an action– rather, if either one of you was to ever take an advancement, you thought it would be yourself. With the five days in which you'd gotten to know her, you saw her as a reserved, somewhat selective woman, of whom it would be tough to get to open up.

Now that your views were proven wrong for a second time— with the first one being the dance you'd both shared at Steven's home, you greatly desired to learn more about her. You wished to stay longer at this place, and to earn more knowledge about everyone you'd gotten to speak with, yet that wouldn't be possible to do until you finished your duties that waited at home. With that thought in mind, you allowed for your heart and mind to relax, and for your wishes to die down, as you prepared yourself to speak up.

"It was lovely to meet with you all. . . If you really do accept the idea of me keeping contact with you. . . Then, I'll be sure to do that!" You proclaimed, responding to their earlier question about whether you would keep in touch with them every once in a while, or if you would not.

You began to climb up the vehicle that would take you back home. Your steps were currently cautious and slow, for you wanted to wave your goodbyes at them one final time.


Once you reached the safety of the boat, you continuously waved at them from the front borders, while your free hand held onto the frigid, metal rails for support. They all waved back at you with an equal amount of eagerness, and finally, with the boat's ear-deafening horns resonating over everyone's ears, you began to sail away. 

Their figures became smaller to your sight, as the vehicle sailed further into the ocean. You continued to smile at them until they were no longer visible to your sight. Now left alone with a few more tourists and the conductor of the boat, you heaved out a sigh— in what you labeled as melancholy.

This was truly happening.

You were no longer living with them on Beach City.

You were no longer a tourist at their breathtaking lands.

You were no longer to meet with them each time you ventured out of the hotel.

The further the boat sailed away from Beach City, the more you understood the reason as to why everyone had gathered up at the beach to see you off.

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