SA-5: Gleaming

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SA #5: Gleaming

Six hours had already passed since your departure, and currently, you were sitting on a beach chair, with the paper Peridot had earlier given you resting in your hands. She'd told you to open it once you arrived home, and you wondered if it already was a good time to do it. With curiosity taking the best of you, your hand began to unwrap the paper, as you fought with the strong winds to keep it in your grasp.

After you finished opening it, you spotted various words and doodles scribbled over it. One thing that instantly caught your eye was a phone number, whilst the other one was a messy sketch of what you assumed was Peridot's face. The number had the words 'Pearl's' written over it, which led you to assume this was her phone number. Now focusing on the small drawing next to it, you noticed a few small, almost invisible words written below it. "Turn this page around", it read.

 You did as told, and came across with another page. It had become strongly stuck to the other one, and if it weren't for these instructions, you would've most likely not discovered it. The second page had more words over it, this time managing to form a letter. After quickly looking at your surroundings to see if no one was looking, you began to read the words in your head.

"Greetings, (Y/N). I was going to begin this letter with a 'Good morning', yet I realized by the time you open this letter, it most likely might not be that time." You paused with the read, as you took a moment to look at the time displayed on your phone's screen.

It was already evening— five o' clock, to be exact, which made for an amused smile to appear over your face, as you continued to read on.

"It appears that Pearl desired to give you the phone number displayed over the previous page, yet she requested that I give it to you instead. The reason as to why she chose to do this remains uncertain, though she did seem hesitant when giving the paper to me, and her face showed what appeared to be embarrassment. I assume she wants you to contact her one day, as that is what Steven explained to me."

You took another pause, as you could feel how a faint warmth spread over your cheeks. Your curious mind wandered over this passage, yet you tried to focus on the rest of the letter.

"Aside from that, I'd like to give you a quick goodbye. It seems time passes by quite fast here on Earth. I didn't think you'd be leaving as quickly as you did. However, if you ever are to return or contact any of your acquaintances, I hope you feel welcomed, and that you're able to enjoy yourself."

The set of paragraphs had reached its end, as the words 'Farewell' were scribbled at the bottom right corner of the letter.

Next to Peridot's goodbye was Steven's signature, as she quickly explained on one short sentence that she asked for him to sign it as well, for he'd helped her with the composition of the letter.

As you finished reading, you stood staring at the pages. Your eyes were lightly squinted with joy, as you began to imagine various scenarios of you at Beach City, along with their company. You were happy to have received the letter, as well as to have Pearl's phone number now. With thought in mind, you took out your phone once more, as you began to fumble with the buttons of the keyboard.

After a moment of hesitation, you began to pass the number into your phone, as a somewhat ponderous sigh left your lips. It'd admittedly been a long while since you felt such a diverse mix of emotions in your chest, and you couldn't avoid the thoughts that invaded your mind.

 As you closed your eyes in an attempt to calm your mind down, the previously faint warmth that resided in both your cheeks and chest began to grow stronger, with the feeling now becoming rather similar to touching the handle of a hot frying pan.

With an abrupt movement, mainly due to the change in temperature, you got up from the chair, as the necklace you still carried over your neck suddenly fell down to the ground. You noticed how its glow was almost as bright as a light house, and after a moment of staring, it began to settle down.

You didn't reach out for it until you were sure that its temperature cooled off, whilst your mind began to form questions over the events that'd just transpired.

⭐End of SA #5⭐

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Final Update (Epilogue):
The 31st of this month.

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