| Epilogue |

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Six months had already passed since the day you left Beach City. Along the course of those months, you made your boss company by visiting her every weekend at the hospital. She had a stable, though worrisome recovery, for there were times on which her fever turned out to be too much for her to handle.

You'd been able to become closer with her, and there were times, after she departed the hospital, on which you stayed at her home to keep her company. She truly felt like a mother to you, and it caught you off guard when she one day asked over the friends and acquaintances you'd managed to make at Beach City. She'd even questioned over one person in particular, as she one day caught you talking rather enthusiastically with Pearl on the phone.

Once she brought this matter up, your embarrassment didn't hesitate to show on your cheeks, as you explained to her about who Pearl was, and how you'd gotten to meet her.

Besides caring for your now former photography manager, you were able to turn in various work assignments for your new boss. He was surprisingly patient, yet strict, which were an undoubtedly good combination of traits to have for this job.

With the money you earned each month, you were able to save a small portion in an old shoe box. Once full, the money inside it would be used for a visit to Beach City, which was something you were looking forward to on these recent days. Even though it'd been only half a year since you left, you were beginning to miss everyone more each day.

Today, as you placed a few dollar bills inside the shoe box, you noticed you were rather close to filling it completely. Following your curiosity, you decided to take the money to your work table, and begin counting it. You counted each one carefully, not wanting to make a mistake, and as you were more than halfway through the box's contents, you noticed you were becoming closer to your goal.

"I- I'm almost done!" You stuttered over your words, with excitement taking the best of you.

As much as you tried not to get your hopes up, it was pretty much impossible for you. The moment you began to think of all the things that awaited you there, you couldn't avoid feeling both enthusiastic and hopeful. With newfound determination, you stood up from the chair, and slammed your hands over the desk. It was turning out to be just a little too much excitement for you to contain, and you had to get it out in some way.

Without waiting any longer, you opened the drawer next to you, and took out both a pencil and paper out of it. You'd just received a creative spark, and you weren't planning on wasting it. The pencil quickly began to trace the silhouette of the idea you carried in mind, as you momentarily glanced a look at the digital wall clock nearby.

There was still time, and you were intent on finishing this today.

After almost three hours of planning, erasing, and sketching, you were able to convey your ideas on paper. You held the drawing in your hands as if it were a child, as you walked towards your computer, and prepared all the equipment you would need to contact one of your companions over at Beach City.

You made sure the camera was turned on, as you quickly clicked on 'AppWhats', and chose the 'call' option set at the bottom left corner of the screen. Your hands fumbled nervously with the pencil you still had in your hold, and you shifted constantly in your seat, as a few doubts began to surge over your mind.

It had been a long while since you've had a conversation with Pearl, regarding the whole matter about you drawing her figure. After you arrived back home, and things calmed down, the topic of you being an artist somehow managed to surface again over her and her family again, yet her reaction was much different from what you were expecting.

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