Change Up

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Hi. If you're here. Wow. Be prepared for terrible writing and slow updates. Bye for now. K-Pop is life.

Brass had VERY strong feelings for Dialja but he couldn't notice a thing, which as you would expect was sometimes infuriating. One day Brass's friend Dawn decided to, well push things along.

It was a cold, February, Monday morning and Brass had just arrived in Willowdock School. "If your looking for Dialja, he's up in that corridor your all obsessed with," Dawn pointed to a corridor on the second floor, that over looked the main gates of the school."Thanks," Brass murmured as she walked towards the stairs.

She saw Dialja as soon as she reached the top of the stairs, she walked over to him. Brass put her right arm on his right shoulder and said," How you doing?" As she walked to his left hand side still with her hand on his shoulder. "Hey," Dialja replied as he quickly looked up from his phone then back down again.

"I'm good, just trying to score... OH COME ON!!!" He yelled at his phone as he missed the goal. Brass snickered. Dialja put his phone away, he turned towards her. Brass quickly removed her hand from his shoulder." I forgot to do my French homework and since your really good at French, I was wondering if you could help me?"Dialja questioned. "Well..."She thought.

He gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine.." Brass growled. The bell went. "It sucks the way we aren't in the same form class." Dialja moaned. " See you at lunch for your homework, see you later, I'm gonna go and find Ash. Bye" she replied." See you" Dialja called.

Brass found Ash just outside their form class (apart from Dialja, Ash was basically Brass's best friend.) "Hi Ash," Brass yelled as she walked up to him,  "Where is Drew and Zak?" " Um.. Huh I haven't seen them, where have you been all morning, I was looking for you?" Ash asked.

"I was with Dialja up in the curved corridor... HEY DREW, ZAK OVER HERE !!!" Brass shouted as she spotted her other friends. "Ash, my friend," Drew fist-bumped him," Brass, how you getting on with Dialja?" Drew teased. "Shut up," Brass said as she blushed slightly. Her and Drew fist-bumped, same with Zak. The quad headed off to class.

The day went by pretty quickly, soon enough it was lunch and Brass was waiting for Dialja outside the library. She saw him coming with a grin on his face," Nice to see you again," She remarked as they walked into the library."

Thanks for helping me with this Brass, it really helps" Dialja stated." There was something I wanted to ask you.." She trailed off. "Yeah.." He edged her on. " I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the Valentine's Day dance?" Brass almost whispered as she rubbed the back of her neck.

" Yeah, sure. I was kinda hoping you would say that.." He blushed slightly. After they finished Dialja's homework, they headed back off to find their friends, feeling very happy with themselves. Brass ran into Dawn, " What are you so pleased about ?" Dawn asked. "Well..." Brass started to explain.

Later that night Dialja was lying in his bed staring at the ceiling, what is up with me he thought. Dialja drifted of to sleep thinking about Brass's smile.

Thank you for reading this !!!

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