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"COME ONE STEP CLOSER AND I'LL PULVERISE YOU!" This voice belonged to Brass who was currently getting chased by Dawn. "You're so difficult," Dawn pouted. "Does it look like I care?" Brass replied while she put on her converse, "Yes." "Well it shouldn't cause I don't." Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Brass said goodbye to Dawn and headed down the stairs. Brass was wearing black denim shorts, white jumper and her red converse.

Dialja was standing in black jeans, white shoes with a blue shirt on and a grin on his face

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Dialja was standing in black jeans, white shoes with a blue shirt on and a grin on his face.

"Hey," he started

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"Hey," he started. "Hi, you ready to go?" Brass answered. Dialja opened the door for her and she responded by rolling her eyes but smiling anyway.
The cafe they were going to was only a few blocks away and unusually the sun was shining down but not to warm as a breeze was present. Brass was taking in the scenery but Dialja was looking at Brass as her greeny-black hair was still in a ponytail but was curled today and she looked stunning.

They soon arrived at the little cafe and got seated by a waitress that had pinky-brown hair and violet eyes. "I will leave you two to look through our menus," she said as she winked at Dialja, fortunetly Brass didn't notice.

They sat in a comfortable silence reading through the menu, "What are you getting?" She asked Dialja." The chicken and lettuce sandwich sounds good, you?" " The macaroni cheese," Brass replied. Dialja laughed at how direct she was. The waitress came back over, " Have you decided what you would like to order?" And they ordered what they wanted and their srinks, Dialja ordered a coke and Brass got a lemonade.

"There's a rare butterfly! I have to get a photo of it!" Brass exclaimed as she was running out the door. He just smiled at how she didn't care about what people thought about her. Then the waitress came over and started stirring up trouble." Hey pretty boy. Ditch that girl and hook up with me. (A/N I'm really sorry but I can't do scenes like that)" she said getting really close to Dialja. " If you really think that I'm going to leave my girlfriend." What did I just say? HELP ME BRAIN!! Nope, you're doing fine replied his brain. " For you then your out of your mind so if you'd please politely go away."

She pouted and walked of as if someone had just told her no for the first time. Brass appeared on the scene and hugged Dialja, he put his hands around her waist. "What was that for?" "You got rid of that girl when you didn't have to. Thanks." Dialja turned her chin around with his hand and said," If anyone ditched you for anyone else they'd be the dumbest person on earth."

Before either of them knew what was happening there lips were against each other and their eyes were shut. They pulled away and sat down. Their food arrived with a different person bringing it. *cough* good thing about it *cough*. They walked back to Brass's house and Dialja kissed her on the cheek and ran for it.

He woke up shaking and sweating. That was the worst nightmare he had ever had. So he picked up his phone and called the only person he could think off. Brass.
Brass was woken up with sound of her phone vibrating on her night stand. "Hello?" She asked the person on the other side of the phone. "Br..Brass. I h-had the worst nightmare."

At hearing this she was wide awake and told Dialja to stay put. And he goes to Alaska. Kidding. If you read Percy Jackson you'd get that. Brass threw shoes on, opened her window and used the ladder her Dad had installed to get to the ground. She ran at one of her fastest speeds to his house. When she appeared at his open window Dialja was shocked but just sat there shaking. She ran over to him and put her arms around him, his head fell against her shoulder and broke down. "Do you want to tell me what it was about?" Brass felt him nod against her. "It was about...

I'm evil. Sorry I haven't been updating but I've had zero inspiration. I'll hopefully be updating more frequently.


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