Chapter 1 - Run

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Things to know:

Y/N = your name 

I ran. I ran as far as my feet could take me. I couldn't let them catch me. I couldn't let O'khasis catch me. If they did, I'm as well as dead. 

You see, I've been running all my life. From that demon spawn Zane. He says I contain some sort of "magical relic". The Irene relic.  I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. But apparently, he won't give up until he gets that power. 

Anyway, those O'khasian guards were hot on my trail. I ran along the dirt path, kicking up as much dust as I could. I had to somehow get those stupid guards away from me.  Then, the dirt trail stopped. It stopped in front of a huge forest. 

"Perfect", I mumbled to myself. I ran in as fast as my sore feet could take me, as far as I could into the forest. I stopped for a second. "I lost them, yes!" 

I may have said the last part a little too loud. I heard the sound of the horse's hooves coming my way. "Dammit Y/N!" Well, here I go again, I thought. I bolted away from the tree as fast as lightning. But, those stupid guards saw me. So I ran. Faster than ever, I ran.  For a split second, I thought I lost them. But just to make sure, I looked back. That was a stupid idea in my opinion. Because the second I turned back around, I tripped over a branch. A really big branch. It took me a second to process what just happened. Then, I felt it. It stung like crazy. A huge gash. Blood slowly trickled down my leg. I couldn't move. So I couldn't run. I waited a few seconds until I heard them. 

The O'khasis guards were coming my way. I waited a few more seconds, and I saw a big shadow step in front of me. I just sat there. Afraid. I tried to run, but the second I got up, I fell back down. One of them stepped in front of me. He was getting ready to swing his sword. In order to get the relic out of me, you had to kill me. I closed my eyes and waited for impact. But it never came. After a few moments, I opened my eyes, only to see every guard chasing me, dead.  Laying there, lifeless. Not that I cared. They deserved that. I looked around and saw someone walking towards me. I backed toward the tree until I was right against it. He knelt down to my height since I was sitting. 

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" 

I just sat there, surprised. I didn't answer at first, and I waited for a moment before I spoke. "Um, yeah, I'm okay." He didn't notice the cut on my leg.

"Good. By the way, I'm Aaron." 

"Um, h-hi. I-I'm Y-Y/N."

"Are you sure you're okay, you look kind of tired and you.... Oh, my Irene your leg!"

"I-it's okay really, I'm fine."

"Um, no, you're NOT okay. You need help. Here." He pulled some bandages out of his pocket. He started wrapping it around the wound. I winced at the pain. "It's okay, don't worry, you'll be fine." For some reason, I felt like I could trust him like I SHOULD trust him. And I never trusted anyone since that day... "There, done. Do you need any help getting up?" 

I tried to get up, but I fell right back down. He offered me his hand. "Um, t-thanks."

"No problem. Now, we need to get you out of here. I can take you to my village, Phoenix Drop, if you want."

"O-okay." I tried to walk, but instead, I was limping and I winced every time I moved my leg the slightest bit. 

"Let me help." Aaron grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his neck and he wrapped his arm around my waist. Then we started walking towards Phoenix Drop.

A/N: Hey guys Gabby here. This is the first chapter of my very first fanfic and OMG I'm so excited! Sorry if it sucks. Anyway, this will be a slow-moving fanfic and by that I mean I won't go right into the whole romance, lovey-dovey stuff yet. I really hope you enjoyed it! I will try to update a frequently as I can! Thank you so much for reading! Ba-Bye!! -Gabby

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