*SURPRISE (part 1)*

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You guys know what this is:

Y/N-your name

E/C-eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-your fav color

S/F/C-second fav color

T/F/C-third fav color

Y/N/KC-whatever KC calls you

Italics are thoughts. And flashbacks.

I'm warning you. Mild profanity

Whoop, Whoop! Story time!

Y/N's P.O.V

Aaron and I started to walk along the gravel path. "Y/N, I really missed you while you were in the nether. You know that, right?" I turned and faced him. "Of course you did. Who wouldn't? *does sassy hair flip* But in all seriousness, I missed you too." I said before I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up at first, but then hugged back. "Y/N, can I tell you something?" "Sure." "I-I um, I-I l-l-like-" But then Kawaii~Chan ran up to us. "OH MY IRENE! KAWAII~CHAN'S SHIP IS SAILING!!!!!!!!" She said running circles around us. I then realized we were still hugging. I quickly let go, as did Aaron.

My face was probably fifty shades of pink. "O-oh. H-hey Kawaii~Chan." "Hey Y/N/KC. Hi Aaron~kun." She said as she slowed down and turned to face us. I turned to Aaron and gave him a 'we have to get her out of here' look. He nodded and we both turned to face Kawaii~Chan. "Oh look!" I yelled. "Is that Travis and Katelyn holding hand?!" I snickered at my own idea. "WHERE?!" "Over on the other side of the village. Fffaaaarrrrrrrrrr away from us." Aaron responded, pointing to where we told KC to go. I was trying to hold in my laughter. "Kawaii~Chan must go find them! Bye Aaron~Kun and Y/N/KC!" She yelled running off.

Aaron and I turned to each other before we burst into laughter. "T-Travis and K-Katelyn holding h-hands?" Aaron said between laughter. "R-really Y/N?" "I-I couldn't t-think o-of anything e-else!" "What's so funny?" Travis said walking up to us. Shit. "N-nothing." I said, trying to calm down. "Are you sure?" "Y-yep." He shrugged and kept walking. "O-oh my Irene. T-that was c-close." I said as I started to walk again. "Yeah." Aaron said, walking with me. "So, what were you going to tell me earlier?"

Senpai's P.O.V

Shit. I can't tell her now. "Um, I-I honestly forgot." She gave me a weird look. "O-kay. So, where do you want to go first?" "How about the plaza?" I suggested. "Why the plaza?" She questioned. "Um, reasons." "Oookkkaaaaayyyyy. Sure." She said, walking towards the plaza.

~Flashback~  (Still Aaron's P.O.V)

I was walking around the village looking for Aphmau when I saw her talking with Laurence. "Aph!" I said running over to her. "Oh, hey Aaron!" "Aph, I need to ask you something."  "Go ahead." "Would you help me throw a party for Y/N? She seems stressed lately." She looked at me. "Yeah, sure. Why though? You gotta crush on her or something?" She said crossing her arms. "Um, n-no." I could feel a blush spread across my face. "You're lying." "N-no I'm not."  "Aaron, you're stuttering AND you're blushing. You're lying."

"Fine, I like Y/N. Just, don't tell anyone. Please." She screamed and started running around. "OMI, OMI, OMI! You like my older sis! AAAHHHH!! That's so cute!!!!!"  "Aph!" She stopped and faced me. "Right, sorry. Okay, I won't tell anyone. So, what do you want to do for the party?" "Well, I honestly don't care what you do." "Okay, I'll go get everyone. Just, keep Y/N busy. Go to the plaza around sunset. Got it?"  She asked. "Got it. Well, I'm going home. See you later." "See ya!" I started to walk away. "OH KAWAII~CHAN!" Aphmau called. "I HAVE SOME AMAZING NEWS!" Then she ran off.

~End of le flashback~

Y/N's P.O.V

I looked off into the distance and saw that the sun was setting. "Wow." I mumbled to myself. "What?" Aaron asked. "Look at the sunset. It's beautiful." "Yeah." Aaron said and mumbled something to himself. "Is something wrong Aaron?" He seemed to snap back into reality. "Oh, n-no. Everything's okay." "O-kay, whatever you say."

*Le time skip to le plaza cuz Author~chan is really lazy*

We arrived at the plaza. I looked around and saw F/C, S/F/C and T/F/C balloons, a F/C cake, and a bunch of other stuff for a party. "Oh, a party! Who's it for?" I asked Aaron. "SUPRISE!" Everyone jumped out all at once and yelled. "Um, surprise!" Aaron looked at me. "A-a p-party? F-for me? B-but, why?" "Why not?" Aaron shrugged as he started walking forward, motioning me to follow. "Aaron, why did you do this for me?" "I-I don't know. You just, you seemed like you were stressed. Being stuck in the nether that long, having powers you never knew you had, I seems pretty overwhelming. So, I threw a party for you." I pulled on the end of his jacket sleeve. He stopped and turned to face  me. "Thank you." I mumbled loud enough for him and I to hear. "No problem." I leaned over and kissed his cheek before I ran off.

Aaron's P.O.V

I stood there and held my cheek. I probably looked like and idiot. A huge blush spread across my face. "Aaron~kun? Aaron~kun are you okay?" I snapped back into reality while Kawaii~chan frantically waved her hand in my face. "W-what? Oh, yeah, I-I'm okay Kawaii~chan. Thanks." She smiled at me. "No problem Aaron~kun! Kawaii~chan was glad she could help! So, Aaron~kun..." "Um, yeah?" "Why are you blushing? Did something happen between Y/N/KC and Aaron~kun? Oh, did Aaron~kun and Y/N/KC kiss?!" She screamed as she was frantically running around. "Um..." "SO  AARON~KUN AND Y/N/KC DID KISS?!?!?!" A few people looked over our way. "W-well, um, kind of...." I said nervously. "Really?!" Kawaii~chan said, looking up at me with excitement in her eyes.

"Um, she kissed my cheek." "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! KAWAII~CHAN'S SHIP IS SAILING!!!!!!"  She screamed as she started running circles around me. "Kawaii~chan! Shhhhhh!" I whisper-yelled. "Sorry Aaron~kun. It's just, Kawaii~chan is very, VERY serious about her ships. Okay, well, Kawaii~chan is off to tell Aphmau~senpai this knew information! Bye!" She shouted before running off towards Aphmau. "*sigh* Tonight's going to be a long night." I mumbled to myself before walking off to find Y/N.

A/N: Hey guys I'm back! So, I know I said I would update more because I was off for thanksgiving break, but....... I've been super busy. I still have off tomorrow though, so, I might update a few chapter then. The sooner I finish this, the sooner I can write my next X reader fanfic! Guys, I have a serious problem. I don't know. So, how's life? Do you like the book? Okay, thanks for reading! Ba-Bye!~AUTHOR~CHAN WUZ HERE AGAIN!!!

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