*The Party (part 2)*

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Just doing these because I'm a nice person (Okay, that's a lie, but, I don't actually care):

Y/N-your name 

H/C-your hair color

E/C-your eye color

F/C-your fav color

S/F/C-second fav color

T/F/C-third fav color

W/C-your weapon of choice

Y/N/KC-whatever KC calls you

F/C/F-fav cake flavor


Italics are thoughts

Okay, now, ON WITH LE STORY!!!

Y/N's P.O.V

I was standing with Kawaii~Chan by the food table and I had a plate of F/C/F cake in my hand. "Soooooooo~" Kawaii~Chan started. "Y/N/KC, do you like Aaron~kun?" I felt a light blush spread across my face. "U-um, no?" Smooth Y/N, real smooth. "Is Y/N/KC sure? That sounded like more of a question then and actual statement." She said in a sassy tone. "Yeah. I'm absolutely, positively sure I don't like-" Then someone came up behind me and threw me over their shoulder. I also dropped my cake."KAWAII~CHAN SAVE ME I'M BEING KIDNAPPED SOMEONE HELP!"  The whole village look in my direction, while Kawaii~Chan was on the floor dying of laughter.

I looked behind me and I saw a familiar black hood. "AARON WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled at him, struggling to get free. "Stop struggling," He said in a mocking tone. "Or you're gonna end up hurting yourself." I quickly stopped struggling and he put me down. Kawaii~Chan slowly stood up from her 'laugh attack'. "Oh my Irene that was the funniest thing Kawaii~Chan has ever seen!" She said, still laughing every so often.

"So Y/N, what were you and Kawaii~Chan talking about?" He asked me. I was about to answer but Kawaii~Chan butted in. "Oh, Y/N/KC and Kawaii~Chan were talking about Y/N/KC liking y-" I quickly put my hand over her mouth. "Excuse us Aaron." I said as I walked Kawaii~Chan and I over to one of the stands. "Kawaii~Chan!" I whisper-yelled. "Kawaii~Chan you can't do that! Oh my Irene what if he found out?!" I said panicking. "What if Aaron~Kun found out what?" Kawaii~Chan asked me. "WHAT IF HE FOUND OUT I LIKED HIM?!" I exclaimed. "So Y/N/KC does like Aaron~Kun ?" She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. Shit. Welp, I'm screwed. "W-what? I-I never said I l-liked Aaron..." I felt a blush spread across my face and I looked away before Kawaii~Chan would notice. "Is Y/N/KC suurreee~?" "Y-yep! Absolutely sure!" "Is Y/N/KC sure, suuuurrrrrreeeeeee~?" I sighed and looked back at her. "Okay, fine. I like Aaron. B-but, you-you can't tell him. Or anyone for that matter." She looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

The whole village looked over in our direction again. "Kawaii~Chan calm yourself!" She was jumping up and down like a drunk kangaroo. I grabbed her shoulders to stop her from jumping. Aphmau, Laurence, Garroth and Aaron all ran in our direction. "Oh my Irene what happened? Is everything okay? We heard Kawaii~Chan scream and we thou-" She ran over to Aphmau and hugged her so tight I don't think she could breath.  "K-Kawaii~ch-chan! T-to..." "KAWAII~CHAN!" I screamed. 

Her arms flew into the air as she dropped Aphmau on the ground. "Sorry Aphmau~Senpai!" She said as she helped Aph up off the ground. "I-It's okay Kawaii~Chan. Just, why did you scream?" She asked in a concerned tone of voice. Kawaii~Chan ran up to Aphmau and whispered something in her ear. Pretty soon, her and Aphmau were jumping up and down and screaming so loud you could hear it from Scaleswind. "Are they okay?" Aaron asked me. "They seem like they're having a spaz attack or something." Laurence added. "Yeah," I sighed. "They're fine....I think." I snickered a little at their ridiculousness.

"Why did Kawaii~Chan scream in the first place?" Garroth asked. My face turned a slight shade of pink when I remembered what Kawaii~Chan and I were talking about. "Uh-w-we were talking about-um-cake?" I responded. "But why did she scream?" Laurence asked. "Because s-she l-likes cake. Yeah. She got REALLY excited about me liking her F/C/F cake. And then she started fangirling because I said I liked her cake. Okay. Um, I'm going to go get more cake. BYE!" I said before basically running over to the food table.

I grabbed another piece of cake and stood by the table eating eat. I was peacefully eating my cake, like a normal person, before I felt someone put their hand over my mouth and someone else grab my arm. They started dragging me across the ground as I struggled to get free. It wasn't really helping though. They put me under a tree near the village. The one person removed their hand from my mouth. I couldn't see who it was because it was dark, but I saw two woman-like figures. I tried to escape but before I could do anything, I was knocked unconscious.

A/N: So, I know, I know, I haven't updated in a week or so and I'm sorry. But, surprisingly enough, I have a life other then anime, books and wattpad. So yeah. And sorry for the cliffhanger, but, I had to. Makes everything a little more fun! Anyway, how do you like the book? Also, sorry for the shorter chapter. But life seems to hate me and I'm always so busy that I never get to update anymore. It's so sad. Also, I released a new book! It's called 'a fangirls guide to life'. Okay, I'm going to go watch some animoo! See ya in the next chappy! Ba-bye! ~I'm going to go to Hogwarts leave me alone

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