*The Man at the Gates*

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Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-fav color

S/F/C-your second fav color

T/F/C- your third fav color 

Y/N/KC- whatever KC calls you 

W/C-your weapon of choice 

Mild f*cking profanity. Or not.


Okay, we shall now do of the story telling!

Y/N's P.O.V

We FINALLY reached my house. I opened the door and took of my F/C combat boots. "*yawn* Hey Aaron?" "Yeah?" "You *yawn* wanna go visit *yawn* Aph?" I asked. "Um, sure?" "Okay *yawn*" He gave me strange look. "W-what?" I asked. "You keep yawning. Aren't you tired?" This time I gave him a strange look. "What? N-no. I'm not *yawn* tired." I told him. "Um, but, didn't you say you were tired on the way ov-" I cut him off. "I'm not *yawn* tired! Let's just go to Aph's house." He nodded head and we walked out of the house. 

We walked up the hill to Aph's house. I yawned and stretched my arms towards the sky. "Y/N, stop lying. I know for a fact that you're tired. Come on, I'm taking you home and you're going to bed." I looked at him. "You're not my mom." I said in my sassiest teenager tone. "You're right, I'm not your mom. But, I am your roommate. Thus, you should listen to me. And go to sleep." He told me. "Yeah........No."

"Fine, if you won't listen to me, then we'll just have to do this the hard way." "What do you-" He picked me up and started running toward our house. "I-I...Wow. I feel so stupid right now. How in the name of Irene did I not see this coming?" I asked myself. Aaron looked down at me and laughed. "W-what?" He laughed more. "That look on your face." "W-what about it?" I asked. "You look cute." I could feel my face heat up. "C-cute?" I asked myself, not thinking Aaron could hear me.

"Mmmhmm." Damn it. He heard me. "U-um, t-thanks. I-I guess..." "It's also cute when you stutter." My face heated up more. "And it's cute when you blush." I thought I was about to explode. Okay, I KNEW for a FACT that I was about to explode. I just tried not to show it. Though let me tell you, that was hard as hell. "Y/N, are you okay? Your face is like, really red." I came out of my daze. "Oh, what? No, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

We were almost at my house when Aaron tripped over something. Next thing I know, I hit my head on a rock. And hard. "Owwwww." I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my head. "Oh my Irene Y/N are you okay?" I heard Aaron ask. "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I-I think." When I opened my eyes my blush darkened. Aaron's hand's were on the sides of my shoulders and he was over top of me. (@JulietsFlannel GET YOU'RE MIND OUTTA DAH GUTTERS GURL. I know what you're thinking) (I would say he was on top of you but if you think about it that sounds like, really really wrong. Just saying)

"Um, A-Aaron." "Yeah?" "Um, c-can you g-get off m-me?" His face turned a light pink. "Oh yeah. S-sorry." He got up and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. "T-thanks." "N-no problem. Um, a-are you okay? I saw you hit your head." "W-what? Oh yeah, I think I'm okay."

Le Senpai's P.O.V

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "Mmmhmm." She hummed. "Okay." We started walking towards our house. "Hey Aaron?" She asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "Why are-" She suddenly fell back. I caught her just before she hit the ground. "Y/N?" "Mmm?" She replied faintly. "Y/N, are you okay?" She put her hand up to her head. I sighed. "I told you that you weren't okay. Come on." I picked her up and started walking towards the house, again.

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