Chapter 5 - Kawaii~Chan

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Things to know:

Y/N - your name

Y/N/KC - whatever you want kawaii~chan to call you    ex: Gabby~Senpai (OMG THAT'S ME!)

E/C - your eye color

H/C - your hair color

F/C - you fav color

F/A - your fav animal

Italics are thoughts

Y/N's P.O.V

Aaron and I walked into the café. Okay, Aaron walked into the café. I was still on his back. He walked up to the counter. There was a meif'wa with light pink hair behind it cleaning dishes. Aaron set me down. 


She turned around. "Oh, Aaron~kun, Kawaii~chan didn't hear you come in. How may I help you?" 

"Ask this thing," he said pointing to me. 

"H-hey, I have a name you know!" 

"I know, I just don't care." 

"Ugh, whatever. Hi, I'm Y/N and-" She ran over and engulfed me in a hug. 



"T-to tight, Y/N/KC!" 

"R-right, sorry." I let her go. "Anyway, I can't believe you're here! You re-dyed your hair, didn't you? No wonder I didn't recognize you! It's so nice to see you!" 

"You too, Y/N/KC! Kawaii~chan missed you so much! Want a cupcake? It's on the house!" 

"Okay, I'll have a cupcake, but I'm still paying for it." 

"No Y//N/KC, it's on the house, no money, here, take it." She shoved it across the counter.

"Kawaii~chan, I'm paying for this cupcake. No arguments. Here." I shoved $5 in her face.

"Now, Aar- wait, where did Aaron go?" 

"Kawaii~chan doesn't know. He might have left." 

"Seriously. I swear to Irene I'm going to kill him. Can you help me look for him, I would do it myself but I can't because of my leg." 

"What happened to you- Oh yeah, Kawaii~chan can help you find Aaron~kun. Kawaii~chan will be right back." She walked out the door. I managed to walk over to a chair and sit down. I pulled the cupcake out of the plastic bag. It was so cool! It had F/C icing and a small fondue F/A sitting on top. I was about to take a bite but Kawaii~chan ran in.

"KAWAII~CHAN FOUND AARON~KUN, Y/N/KC!" She shouted. I almost dropped my cupcake. Jeez, that girl is loud. 

"Okay Kawaii~chan, jeez. Thank you. Now Aaron, why did you leave?" 

"Well, you two were talking and whatever so I left because I know how long it takes girls to have a conversation." 

"Ugh, well you could a least tell me. Like a normal person. Come on, let's go." I finished my cupcake and jumped on Aaron's back. Kawaii~chan pulled out a camera from her pocket. 

"Oh, this will be perfect for Kawaii~chan's shipping shrine!" 

"Aaron, run!" He bolted for the door. We all know how bad Kawaii~chan's shipping shrines can be. I'm pretty sure I heard the camera snap a picture though. 

"Yes!" I heard Kawaii~chan scream after we made it out the door. Dammit, Kawaii~chan!  He ran away until we reached Aphmau's house. He set me down. 

"So, Aaron, what do you want to do? It's getting late and I don't really have a place to stay. I would stay at Aph's place but, she's pregnant, and, no. And I could stay with Kawaii~chan but, also no. Is there a house available anywhere?" 

"Nope. We can build you a house tomorrow. You can stay at my camp tonight if you want." 

"Rea-really?! Th-thank you so much!" I hugged him so tight I could have killed him. 

"Y-yeah, n-no problem."

Senpai's P.O.V (Aaron)

She hugged me. I small blush spread across my face. I never blush. I thought. "Y-yeah, n-no problem. Let's get going. The sun is almost down." I threw her over my shoulder before she could jump on my back and ran down the hill to my camp. I set her down on my bed. 

"Aaron, you're letting me stay here. You sleep in the bed. I'll sleep on the grass." She tried to get up but she couldn't. 

"No, you're staying there. I'll sleep on the grass." She tried to get up again but she fell right back down. 

"This isn't fair! You put me here because you knew I couldn't get up!" 

"Yes. Yes, I did. Now, get some sleep. You need it." 

"Ugh, fine." She put her head on the pillow and basically passed out. I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Y/N." And soon enough, the darkness took over.

A/N: Hey guys, Gabby here. OMG, I FINALLY UPDATED! Aren't you proud of me? I have a perfectly logical reason I haven't been updating. Okay. So, you know those days you're dead tired and you could pass out any minute. Well, that was me on Monday and Tuesday. But on Tuesday I wasn't feeling the best. I think it was my allergies because they can get really bad. Also, sorry for the shorter chapter. I might update more today because I have off but I'm not sure yet. So, how's life? Mine's good, thanks for asking. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to watch Gravity Falls. I'll be watching you. Ba-bye! -Gabby

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