*An Old Friend*

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Merry Christmas! Or whenever I release this chapter! LOLOLOLOLOLOL:

Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-fav color

S/F/C-second fav color

T/F/C-third fav color

W/C-your weapon of choice

Italics are dah thoughts

*AHEM* Merry Christmas! *Ahem*

Okay, on with le story!

Y/N's P.O.V

"Well you're in an awfully happy mood." Aaron stated as I skipped down the gravel path. "Yep!" I giggled. "Why?" I giggled some more. "I don't know! I just am!" I replied cheerily. "Y/N, are you high or something?" I nodded my head 'no' and kept on skipping. "Okay, fine. How much sugar did you have earlier today?" I snickered. "A lot...Maybe." "Oh Irene." I giggled some more. I think I was having a giggle fit. "What's so bad about so much sugar? Hmm?" He shook his head in disappointment. "Last time Aph had to much sugar she passed out. And since you to are related...well, yeah."

"Meh. I should be fine." I said as I knocked on Cadenza's door. "Come in!" I opened it and walked inside. "Oh, hey Y/N! Hi Aaron!" She exclaimed. "Can I help you with anything?" I nodded my head. "Are you free today?" "Yeah, I don't have anything fun to work on so I'm pretty much free." "I was wondering if you would make me a top or something? I kind of need some..." She smiled and stood up. "Of course Y/N! I would love to! I just need to take a few measurements and stuff like that." I looked over at Aaron. "What?" "I'll be fine on my own, thank you very much." He sighed and walked out of the house.

"Okay!" Cadenza clapped her hand together. "Let's get started." She grabbed my wrist and led my downstairs. "Woah..." Cadenza's basement was filled with literally anything and everything sewing. She had a whole wall just for lace fabrics for Irene's sake! "So, Y/N...What kind of top would you like?" I shrugged. "Surprise me." She pulled me over to a small stool and made me stand on it. "Stay here." I nodded and stood where I was. Cadenza ran over to her desk and pulled out a few take measures and ran back over to me. "Lift up your arms." I did what I was told and Cadenza wrapped one of the measures around my waist. She then pulled out a ittle notebook from her pocket and wrote something in it. She continued making measurements and I eventually got tired of standing.

"Are you done yet?" I whined. "Hold on. Just a few more measurements..." She kept writing things down in her notebook. "Okay, I'm done." I sighed a breath of relief and got down. "When will the top be ready?" "Well, if I can get to work write now and no one interrupts me I could be done by morning." "Oh, okay. Thank you so much Cadenza!" "No problem Y/N! See you tomorrow!" "See you tomorrow!" I called as I walked out.

I ran into something and fell backwards. "Ow!" I looked up and saw Aaron. "Sorry Y/N." He put out his hand and helped me up. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I was waiting." I gave him a questioning look. "Waiting? Wait, for me? But why?" "Because I'm not going to let you get kidnapped." I sighed. "I can handle myself you know." "I know. But I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Not while I'm here." I smiled. "Heh. Thanks." He nodded and we started walking.

"Where are we going this time?" I asked. "To Kawaii~Chan's. I figured you were hungry." I got really excited and started running towards Kawaii~Chan's. "Race you there!" I called to Aaron. "I'm not racing because we both know that I would easily win!" He called back. I laughed and continued running until I reached KC's café. "Hey Kawaii~Chan!" I called as I opened the door. "Oh, hello Y/N/KC! How are you? Wait...isn't Y/N/KC supposed to be with someone at all times? Where is Aaron~Kun?" I shrugged and walked over to the table.

Aaron came bursting through the door. "You *pant* run like a freaking cheetah. *pant*" "Um, thanks? KC I want some cake." She nodded and ran into her little kitchen. Aaron walked over and sat in the chair across from me. "You really scared me Y/N. You need to be more careful." I sighed. "Aaron how many times have you told me this?" He grabbed my hand. "I know I've told you a million or so times but with the two most evil people after you I don't want anything to happen to you." I gave him a reassuring nod and heard a click.

"KAWAII~CHAN I SWEAR TO IRENE YOU HAVE A FREAKING DEATH WISH I SWEAR IF I HEAR THAT CAMERA CLICK ONE MORE TIME I WILL COME OVER THERE AND-" I got up from my chair and tried to run into KC's kitchen where she ran to for refuge. Aaron was the only thing holding me back. "AARON LET ME GO THAT WOMAN SERIOUSLY NEED TO STOP DOING THAT I NEED TO TEACH HER A-" He pulled me back and sat me in the chair. "Y/N you need to calm down. Just breathe." I sat there and took a deep breath. "Okay, good. Are you done trying to strangle Kawaii~Chan?" I nodded my head and shot her a glare from where I was. She ran back into her kitchen in fear.

"Thanks KC!" I screamed as Aaron and I walked out of the café. "Seriously what are we going to do with her?" Aaron asked me, shaking his head. "I could still strangle her." I said as I turned around slightly. "Yeah...No." Aaron grabbed my hand and started pulling me along the gravel path. "Fiinnneeeeeee." We continued to walk for a while until we reached the plaza. I spotted Aph and Vylad talking and ran over to them.

"Hey Y/N!" Aph exclaimed. "Um, hi?" She smiled and looked down at my hand, which was still intertwined with Aaron's. I quickly let go of his hand and put it by my side. Aphmau started jumping up and down and around in circles. "Is she okay?" Vylad asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, she does this on a regular basis." "Oh. Okay." I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Aph, calm yourself." I said as I shook her back and forth. "DHDBCOTPHBCVHD!!!!!!!" She had this huge grin on her face after trying to speak English. "Aph you seriously need to calm down. Okay?" She nodded and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay now?" I asked as I let go of her shoulders. She nodded. "Good. Now, what were you going to say earlier?" She took a deep breath. "YouandAaronarethecutestcoupleeverohmyIreneIcan'tevenareyoutwoevendating. AHHHHH!" Aaron and I looked at each other before I looked back at Aph. "What?" "*Ahem* I said 'You and Aaron are the cutest couple ever oh my Irene I can't even are you two even dating? AHHHHH!'" "Oh, that makes sense." Her grin widened. "So you two ARE dating?!" "Wait, what?! Oh, nonononononononononono. We aren't dating." Aaron said. She looked down at the floor. "But-but-but-" "Aph we're not dating and there's nothing you can do to make us." "Awwwwwwww. Why not?" "Because we said so. Goodbye." I grabbed Aaron hand and started walking towards the gates. "EHHHHHH!" I heard Aph squeal before we left.

We arrived at the gates and sat down. "Those two are going to drive me insane I swear." Aaron nodded his head and sat down next to me. "Yeah. But at least we have each other." He said and kissed my forehead. "Mmmhmm." I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I lov-" Whiz. I whipped my head around and looked behind the gates. "Damn it. I missed." I heard someone mumble. "Y/N? Someone shot an arrow." Aaron stated, pulling an arrow out of the tree next to us. I looked out of the gates and saw someone in silver and white armor. I opened the gates and ran out into the forest with Aaron right behind me. "Who do you think it was?" I spotted the silver armor again and ran faster. We chased the person around the forest for a while until we cornered him. He turned around and on the front of his chest plate was a black cross. "No-" "What?" "Aaron, that-that cross. It's-it's-it's-"

"It's O'khasis. They've found me."

A/N: LOLOLOLOLOLOL I'm bored. I got a hot topic gift card for Christmas and I am now completely satisfied. Yeah. So, what did you get for Christmas? That's cool. Okay, I honestly don't know what to say except MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! 1.2K read that's awesome! Thank you! I honestly don't know what I'd do without you guys. My family would drive me insane and some things would happen. I'd probably end up slitting their throats with a plastic fork. Just kidding I'm a nice person I would never do that. Maybe. No seriously I would never actually do that as much as I may want to do it. Okay, well, have a very Merry Christmas, again. Love you guys! Ba-bye! ~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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