*Leaving the Village?*

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*Ahem* BecauseI'mnice *Ahem*:

Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-your fav color

W/C-your weapon choice

Italics are thoughts

Profanity will be used. This is a warning.


Senpai's P.O.V

"What do you mean 'O'khasis has found you'?" She shot me a look. "I mean that Zane now knows where I am. Which also means my Dad knows where I am. Which means that you are all in danger and I will be leaving the village." She said as she stabbed/shot the O'khasis guard. Leaving Phoenix Drop? What? She started to walk back to the village. I ran to catch up with her. "Y/N you can't leave!" I blurted out. "But I have to leave. If the two most powerful beings in the whole region of Rua'an are after me I'm not going to put anyone else in any sort of danger. I'll be fine on my own." She replied bluntly.

"Y/N you're not leaving." I told her. "Yes, yes I am. Aaron you don't understand. I care about all of you to much to let anything happen to you." She said. "Well I care about you to much to let anything happen to you!" She looked down at the ground. "Aaron please...I don't want you to have to suffer the consequences of my actions. I'm trying to help you." "And I'm trying to help you..." I took her hand in mine.

We arrived at the gates, which were already opened. "So?" I asked. "So what?" "So are you staying in the village?" She sighed. "I-I guess I will..." I let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank Irene." She giggled. "What?" "Nothing, nothing..." I shrugged and we continued walking. "Wait shouldn't we tell Aphmau about this?" "Holy shit I forgot." She let go of my hand and started running towards Aph's house.

Y/N's P.O.V

"APH!" I screamed as I banged my fist against the door. "APH THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!" I heard footsteps and a second later the door opened. "Oh, hey Y/-" "Garroth where's Aph?" I asked as my eyes searched the room.  "I think she's downstairs. Why?" I bolted for the stairs. Once I got down I searched the room for Aphmau. "Aph?!" I yelled as I ran in circles. "Aphm-OOF!" I ran into someone and fell backwards. I looked up and saw Aph. "Y/N I am so-" "Aph we need to talk." She nodded her head and I followed her upstairs.

She sat down at the kitchen table and I sat across from her. "Aph, Zane is-" Just then Laurence and Aaron burst through the doors. "Aphmau we have a problem." Laurence blurted out. "What?" She questioned. "Aph there's O'khasis guards at the gate. Zane is with them." Aph and looked at each other before we got up. I grabbed my W/C and we all ran out the door.

We arrived at the gates only to see hundreds of O'khasis guards, with Zane and my Dad right in front of them all. "What do you want?" I spat. "Well-" Zane started but I cut him off. "Not you, him." I said looking at my dad. "I just wanted to see my daughters!" "Right, right, okay sure." Aph started at him in disbelief. "You-you're alive!" She cried. I had to stop her before she jumped down to see him. "Aph he's evil don't fall for his tricks." "Bu-but-" I shot her a look and she backed off. "Okay, now, Zane," I said looking at him. "What do YOU want?" "*Ahem* I have come to ask for your hand in marriage." I tried to hold in a laugh. "M-me? M-marry yo-you? Pfftttt nice try Zane, but I don't think that will be happening anytime soon."

"You don't have a choice." He stated. "Says who?" "Says me, and your dad." I muffled a laugh. "Since when did I take orders from any of you?" "Since right now." "What do you-" The guards charged through the gate and into the village. "HOLY SHIT NOW WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"  I said as I jumped off from the top of the gates. "No shit we have a problem." I shot Laurence a look and he backed off. "Okay, Aph you need to go back to your house and warn Zoey about this and make her take Levin and Malachai somewhere safe." She nodded and ran towards her house.

"AARON!" I yelled. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Yeah?" "Oh thank Irene you're okay. You need to go with Dante, Garroth, Laurence and Travis to the gates to hold off the guards." "Got it." He ran off towards the gates.

"Y/N!" I whipped my head towards the gates and saw Zane and my Dad holding Levin hostage. I bolted over there as fast as I could before they could hurt him. "Let him go!" Aphmau cried. "What are you doing?" I ran over to Zane. "I'm going hurt this poor little child here if you don't come with me." He snapped.

I let out a shaky breath and nodded. "W-wait? Y-you're actually not going to put up a fight?" "I don't want anything to happen to my sister's son. I'd rather risk my life if it's to save my friends. Just let go of Levin and take me with you."

Zane released Levin from his grasp and he ran back over to Aph. "Y/N no!" Aph cried from behind me. I turned around and looked at her. "Aph, don't worry about me. I'm doing this for your safety. I promise that I'll be okay." I smiled at her and felt a few cold tears roll down my cheeks. She ran over to me and embraced me in a hug. "Y-you can't l-leave me! I d-don't care if I'm n-not safe! You-your m-my best fr-friend and-" Laurence had to pull her off of me. "Aph, please. This is my decision."

I turned and faced Zane. "Okay, let's go." He nodded and we started walking. I could still hear Aphmau's sobs from behind me. "Wait-" Someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. I looked up and saw Aaron. "Zane, I won't let you take her." He scoffed. "Says who?" "Says me. That's who." He put an arm in front of me defensively. "Aaron it's okay really-" "No Y/N, it's not okay." He shot Zane a look. "Why are you so protective of her?" "Because I lov-"

But before he could finish his sentence, he fell on the ground, with and arrow in his chest.

A/N: PLEASE PUT DOWN YOUR PITCHFORKS! PLEASE! AND YOU OVER THERE, PUT DOWN THAT TORCH! Okay, I know for a fact that I probably killed you on the inside a little bit. Or a lot bit. And I'm sorry. I'm literally crying right now because of the next chapter. Also sorry the chapter is so short. And kinda sucky. I'm suffering from writers block. But that's okay! Anywho the next chapter will probably be the last. But then, I will write another story! It's going to be a phoenix drop high boys times reader! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! Okay, thank you all! Hope you enjoying dah books! Ba-bye! ~Author~chan will hit you in da feels next chapter

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