*Crazy-ass fangirls(part 1)*

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Just because I'm nice:

Y/N-your name 

E/C-you eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-your fav color

S/F/C-your second fav color

T/F/C-your third fav color

W/C-your weapon of choice

Y/N/KC-whatever KC calls you

I don't know but maybe some some profanity 

And remember that Italics are thoughts

Time. For. Le. Story!


I couldn't see who it was because it was dark, but I saw two woman-like figures. I tried to escape but before I could do anything, I was knocked unconscious.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke in a strange room. I must have been strapped down to something because I couldn't move, and I still couldn't see a thing. The two figures slowly approached me. I tried to look and stay as calm as I possibly could, although I was internally freaking out. "So," one of them said. "Y/N-" I cut her off. "How do you know my name?" I asked. "Um, we don't?" "But you just said my name." I stated in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. "But Kawaii~Ch-" She slapped her hand over her mouth before she said anything else.

I sighed in relief that they weren't any crazy serial killers. "Kawaii~Chan, I know it's you. And I'm guessing Aphmau is here too, isn't she?" They turned on a bright light that was strapped to the chair I was sitting on. It's like in a movie when the hero is interrogating the suspect, except I'm stuck with two crazy-ass fangirls.

"*le sigh* Guess she caught us Kawaii~Chan." Aph sighed. "I guess so...." Kawaii~Chan looked down in disappointment. "Guys," I said. "Can you let me go? Wait, why am I even here in the first place?" I asked them, completely confused. "Oh, yeah!" Aph screamed. "We brought you here to ask you a few questions." I looked at her. "Like..." "Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau~Senpai wanted to ask you about Aaron~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan screeched, jumping up and down. I sighed. "Oh my Irene...Okay, Kawaii~Chan. I already told you I liked Aaron. Now, can you pah-lease let me go?" "Nope!" Aph said popping the 'p'. "Why~?" I moaned. "Because we have a few more questions."

"Nope! That's it! I'm done!" I said as I got up. Okay, as I TRIED to get up. I was still strapped in the chair. "Damnit." I mumbled to myself. "Okay, let's get this over with." I said looking up at Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan. "Alrighty then, first question." Aphmau clapped her hand together. "Uhhhh....Kawaii~Chan, I've got nothing." She looked over at Kawaii~Chan and then back at me and then back at Kawaii~Chan. "Me either Aphmau~Senpai~" Kawaii~Chan groaned.

While they stood there talking about questions to ask me, I pulled my spare dagger out of my sleeve. I know, I'm pretty badass for having a dagger in my sleeve, but that's not the point. I don't know how, but I managed to cut the strap on my right arm. I did the same to my left and then cut the leg ones. I slowly got up and attempted to sneak out. It didn't quite work. "APHMAU~SENPAI! Y/N/KC IS GETTING AWAY!" I bolted out the door and up the stairs. I shoved open the front door and ran frantically down the hill.

"AARON!" I screamed as I ran towards him. He whipped his head in my direction. "Y/N?" He asked confused. "Where the hell have you been?" "Long *pant* story." Then I saw Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan running towards me. "GAHH!" I ran around the plaza as they chased after me. I saw Laurence out of the corner of my eye and ran towards him. "LAURENCE! SAVE ME!" I screamed. He looked over at me. "From what?" He asked. "From them." I said pointing to the crazy-ass fangirls still running towards me. Laurence jumped in front of me just before they tackled me to the ground. "Woah, guys. Calm down." He said. "B-b-but K-Kawaii~Chan and-" He cut her off. "No buts! Why are you guys chasing Y/N?"

I gave them a glare from behind Laurence. "Um, n-no reason." Aph said. Her and Kawaii~Chan started walking away. "Thanks Laurence." I smiled. "No problem. But, why were they chasing you?" I sighed. "It's-it's a long story." "Okay, whatever. Garroth and I need to do something about whatever he was talking about earlier. I honestly don't know. I'll see you later, okay?" "Yep! See you later!" I said as I skipped back over to Aaron.

"Hey Y/N." Aaron said as he saw me walking over. "Hey." I stood next to him. "So, why were they chasing you again?" He asked in complete confusion. "I'll tell you later. To much work right now. Anyway, wanna get some cake? Since someone," I looked over at the two crazy-ass fangirls. "Made me drop mine." "Yeah, sure."

We walked over to the food table. I looked at all the amazing cakes. "Oh my Irene! Yes! Finally, I haven't gotten to eat cake for like, an hour!" I screamed. "An hour? Really Y/N?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Oh shut up." I playfully punched his arm. "I'm just hungry." I took (another) piece of F/C/F cake. I put a piece in my mouth. "Yep, this is the best." I said with a mouthful of cake.

"Hold on.." Aaron said. "You have something right..." He took some frosting off his cake and wiped it on the tip of my nose. "There." He snickered. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be? Isn't it?" I took my hand and wiped some of the frosting off my cake and gently slapped Aaron on the cheek. He them took more frosting off and did the same. I gave him a glare. "Looks like you just started a war." I said while smirking.

A/N: Hello friends! How are you? Okay, so I just want to say that I'm changing my updating schedule until farther (does that sound right?) notices. I'll be updating at random for a little while until I can get my life together. Yeah.....So anyway, are you enjoying my not-so-amazing book?! Yep. Sorry again for the shorter chapter. I just wanted to get and update in for you guys. Anyway, thanks so much for reading! Ba-bye! ~MUST. READ. ALL. THE. FANFICS!

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