Chapter 4 - I need him

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Liz sipped her coffee as her and Ressler paid for their late night beverages. It had been about a week since he'd agreed tp help her find Red. Since then, they'd they'd both spent time coming up with a plan or even a single idea to start with. Tonight was when they planned to start their search. Ressler left on his own leave of absence yesterday, except he planned on returning soon. 

They walked to a table by a window as Ressler got out his laptop with all of the databases he had clearance to. 

"Alright where do you want to start.?" He paused  as he thought, "What aliases of his do we know of?"

"Don't waste your time. Why would he use an alias we knew about. The FBI would find him instantly." Liz stated. She'd thought of this many times.

"Maybe it's so obvious, they'd overlook it." 

She paused. That could be true but still probably not worth it. "You can try, just to be safe and to cover all possibilities. But I don't think anything will come up."

So they sat there, going over any of his past aliases, trying to remember them all. One by one, Ressler searched them, and one by one, they failed. Though it seemed like a waste of time, they agreed to cover all bases.

"Have you tried calling him?" Ressler asked. "I know you think it's a long shot, but that number was a pretty safe one. How many people knew of it? You, and maybe a few others. Maybe he kept it, just until he could get a new one."

She paused sighing as Ressler continued. "Hey, I just don't want to miss anything."

She pulled out her phone, thinking this was a waste of time. They needed to find him, and the longer they waited, the further he got. The phone kept ringing as Ressler typed on his typed on his laptop. Then her heart stopped as she heard the click. She pulled the phone away from her face to see that it had been connected. 

Ressler looked at her curiously. "Did he answer?" He whispered lowering his screen.

She nodded slowly as she breathed, "I think so." She pulled the phone back to her face.

"Red?" She asked quietly, her voice sounded weak as her heart started racing. Was it that simple? Call him and he answers? Her pulse kept speeding as there was no response. Just silence.

"Red, are you there?" Her voice still shaking.

No response.

"Red please." She pleaded with the last of her strength. Then she heard something on the other end. Not a word spoken, but a siren... an ambulance siren, she could tell by how it faded in and out quickly that it had just passed by him. As soon as she made this discovery, the line went dead, almost as if he didn't want her to hear it. Ressler looked at her, confused.

"What is it?" he asked putting all of his attention on her.

"I... don't...," she paused as the sound filled her ears again. The siren... Only this time, it wasn't coming from a phone... it was just outside. It didn't take Liz but a second to see the ambulance rush by down the street, and for her to figure it out.

Red was there.

She bolted out of her chair, out into the cold recalling where the ambulance had come from. She quickly rushed down the sidewalk, trying to look at everyone's face. He had to be here. Group by group, she pushed trough, trying to find him, until she realized this wasn't going to work. She might have missed him in the mass of people.

Her heart racing, she managed to get enough air to scream at the top of her lung. "Red!" she screamed, almost everyone turned to look at her as through she was crazy. Ressler had finally caught to her as she called out again. This time she could hear the pain in her own voice.

"Red please!" She was caught off Ressler grabbed her, pulling her in his arm. "Red, I need you!" she shouted, this time, weaker, but still as loud. She finally relaxed in Ressler's comforting embrace., and she let out all of her emotion she'd been holding in. Along with these feelings pouring out, so did the tears.

"I need him." She cried softly

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