Chapter 9 - I am here

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Ressler paced around the room, heart racing as he tried to calm down. After containing his thoughts, he picked up the phone, dialing the from desk. But before he could finish, the phone itself rang.

“Hello?” He asked.

“He’s here,” The woman from the front desk half whispered into the phone. “He’s heading down the hall now.”

“Thanks.” He said placing the phone back into the cradle. He sat down trying to calm himself. Inside, he felt as though all of this was Reddington’s fault. If he hadn’t gone into hiding, Liz wouldn’t be gone. He looked up to hear the sound of Reddington's key unlocking the door. Ressler felt a weird sense of relief when he saw it was really Red.

“Agent Ressler.” Red spoke closing the door behind him. His voice showed no sign of surprise. “I figured someone might be in here. The woman at the front desk looked terrified when I walked in.”

As Red began to take off his coat, Ressler stood up. “Don’t get too comfortable. We have to go. Now.”

“Look, I know the agency is looking to find me, but I can’t go back at the moment...” Red started calmly but was interrupted by a stern and angry tone he’d never heard before.

“This isn’t about the stupid agency! We have to find her! They took her...” his voice trailed off as he couldn’t explain more. Everything had happened so fast, and he should’ve been paying more attention. He could have stopped this.

“Who took who?” Red asked putting his coat back on, his voice showing his nervousness.

“These men,” Ressler started. “They came in here with guns, there were 6 of them. They knocked me down, and took Keen.” he paused trying to remember anything. Any detail that would help. “One of the man’s name was Fitch" Ressler finished, looking at Reddington, hoping he'd recognize the name.

Red nodded slowly exhaling as he walked to the couch sitting down, pulling out an old leather notebook. He seemed so calm as he did so, which caught Ressler off guard. “You work on finding Fitch,” Red said not looking up from the old and worn book. “I’ll work on getting us the numbers we need to get her back. Finding him will be easy, but he’s not just going to let her up. We’re going to need help”

Ressler glanced at him completely puzzled. “How am I supposed to find this man with nothing but a name. We know nothing about him.”

This made Red chuckle a bit. “Simply track the plates. I’m sure there’s a security camera somewhere outside.” Red closed the leather phone book in his hand and tried to give Ressler the most assuring look. “He wants us to find him. If he’s truly got Lizzie, he knows I’ll come.” He looked back into the notebook, and began to dial a number on his phone. “Our only challenge will be to get the manpower we need to make it out unharmed.”

Ressler kept looking at him curiously, until the other line picked up, and Reddington began talking. He left the room and made his way into the lobby, where the overly curious woman awaited.

“Is everything okay Agent....” She began but then realized she forgot his name.

“Ressler,” he said. “I was actually wondering if you guys have some sort of security cameras out front?”

“We do,” she said signaling for him to come behind the desk as she pulled up the footage. “What are you looking for?”

“I need the licence plate number on a black van that was here about 10 minutes ago.” The woman began to rewind the tape until the van was in the shot.

“Pause right there.” he said pointing at the screen. He quickly grabbed a sticky note a pen from the desk, writing down the number quickly.

“Thank you,” he said quickly walking out of the building, not giving the woman a chance to say another word. There was time for chit chat later. Liz was a good person. She’d never done anything wrong. He wanted to get her out of there as fast as he could.

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